Share types

Share types

A share type enables you to filter or choose back ends before you create a share. A share type behaves in the same way as a Block Storage volume type behaves.

In the manila configuration file /etc/manila/manila.conf administrator can set the share type used by default for the share creation and then create a default share type.

To create a share type, use manila type-create command as:

manila type-create [--snapshot_support <snapshot_support>]
                   [--is_public <is_public>]
                   <name> <spec_driver_handles_share_servers>

where the name is the share type name, --is_public defines the level of the visibility for the share type, snapshot_support and spec_driver_handles_share_servers are the extra specifications used to filter back ends. Administrators can create share types with these extra specifications that are used for the back ends filtering:

  • driver_handles_share_servers. Required. Defines the driver mode for share server life cycle management. Valid values are true/1 and false/0. Set to True when the share driver can manage, or handle, the share server life cycle. Set to False when an administrator rather than a share driver manages the bare metal storage with some net interface instead of the presence of the share servers.
  • snapshot_support. Filters back ends by whether they do or do not support share snapshots. Default is True. Set to True to find back ends that support share snapshots. Set to False to find back ends that do not support share snapshots.


The extra specifications set in the share types are operated in the Scheduling.

Administrators can also set additional extra specifications for a share type for the following purposes:

  • Filter back ends. Unqualified extra specifications that are written in this format: extra_spec=value. For example, netapp_raid_type=raid4.
  • Set data for the driver. Qualified extra specifications that are written always with the prefix with a colon, except for the special capabilities prefix, in this format: vendor:extra_spec=value. For example, netapp:thin_provisioned=true.

The scheduler uses the special capabilities prefix for filtering. The scheduler can only create a share on a back end that reports capabilities that match the un-scoped extra-spec keys for the share type. For details, see Capabilities and Extra-Specs.

Each driver implementation determines which extra specification keys it uses. For details, see the documentation for the driver.

An administrator can use the policy.json file to grant permissions for share type creation with extra specifications to other roles.

You set a share type to private or public and manage the access to the private share types. By default a share type is created as publicly accessible. Set --is_public to False to make the share type private.

Share type operations

To create a new share type you need to specify name of new share type and required extra spec driver_handles_share_servers. Also, the new share type can be public.

$ manila type-create netapp1 False --is_public True

$ manila type-list
| ID  | Name   | Visibility| is_default| required_extra_specs              | optional_extra_specs  |
| c0..| netapp1| public    | No        | driver_handles_share_servers:False| snapshot_support:True |

You can set or unset extra specifications for a share type using manila type-key <share_type> set <key=value> command. Since it is up to each driver what extra specification keys it uses, see the documentation for a specified driver.

$ manila type-key netapp1 set thin_provisioned=True

It is also possible for administrator to see a list of current share types and extra specifications:

$ manila extra-specs-list
| ID          | Name    | all_extra_specs                     |
| c0086582-...| netapp1 | snapshot_support : True             |
|             |         | thin_provisioned : True             |
|             |         | driver_handles_share_servers : True |

Use manila type-key <share_type> unset <key> to unset an extra specification.

The public or private share type can be deleted by means of manila type-delete <share_type> command.

Share type access

You can manage the access to the private for the different projects: add access, remove access, and get information about access for a specified private share type.

Create a private type:

$ manila type-create my_type1 True --is_public False
| ID  | Name    | Visibility| is_default| required_extra_specs             | optional_extra_specs |
| a4..| my_type1| private   | -         | driver_handles_share_servers:True| snapshot_support:True|


If you run manila type-list you see only public types. To see the private types also, run manila type-list with -all optional argument.

Grant access to created private type for a demo and alt_demo projects by providing their IDs:

$ manila type-access-add my_type1 d8f9af6915404114ae4f30668a4f5ba7
$ manila type-access-add my_type1 e4970f57f1824faab2701db61ee7efdf

Get information about access for a private share type my_type1:

$ manila type-access-list my_type1
| Project_ID                       |
| d8f9af6915404114ae4f30668a4f5ba7 |
| e4970f57f1824faab2701db61ee7efdf |

After you granted the access to the share type users that belong to project with granted access can see the type in the list and create shares with allowed private share type.

To deny access for a specified project, use manila type-access-remove <share_type> <project_id> command.

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