Shared File Systems API v2 (CURRENT)

Provides coordinated access to shared or distributed file systems.

The Shared File Systems API uses Compute-style micro-versions. Use the HTTP X-Openstack-Manila-Api-Version request header to specify a valid micro-version. For example, "X-Openstack-Manila-Api-Version: 2.6". If you omit this header, the default micro-version is 2.0.

Other than the switch to the micro-versions approach, the Shared File Systems API v2.0 is functionally identical to the Shared File Systems API v1.0.

Subsequent API v2 micro-versions, such as v2.1, differ from API v1.0. Look for notes that identify in which post-v2 micro-version a feature, method, or parameter was introduced.

API versions

Lists information for all Shared File Systems API versions.

List versions

Lists all Shared File Systems API versions.

Normal response codes
Request parameters
Parameter Style Type Description
X-Openstack-Manila-Api-Version (Optional) header xsd:string

The HTTP header to specify a valid Shared File Systems API micro-version. For example, "X-Openstack-Manila-Api-Version: 2.6". If you omit this header, the default micro-version is 2.0.

    "versions": [
            "status": "SUPPORTED",
            "updated": "2015-08-27T11:33:21Z",
            "links": [
                    "href": "",
                    "type": "text/html",
                    "rel": "describedby"
                    "href": "",
                    "rel": "self"
            "min_version": "",
            "version": "",
            "media-types": [
                    "base": "application/json",
                    "type": "application/vnd.openstack.share+json;version=1"
            "id": "v1.0"
            "status": "CURRENT",
            "updated": "2015-08-27T11:33:21Z",
            "links": [
                    "href": "",
                    "type": "text/html",
                    "rel": "describedby"
                    "href": "",
                    "rel": "self"
            "min_version": "2.0",
            "version": "2.6",
            "media-types": [
                    "base": "application/json",
                    "type": "application/vnd.openstack.share+json;version=1"
            "id": "v2.0"

This operation does not accept a request body.

API extensions

Lists available Shared File Systems API extensions.

List extensions

Lists extensions.

Normal response codes
Request parameters
Parameter Style Type Description
X-Openstack-Manila-Api-Version (Optional) header xsd:string

The HTTP header to specify a valid Shared File Systems API micro-version. For example, "X-Openstack-Manila-Api-Version: 2.6". If you omit this header, the default micro-version is 2.0.

tenant_id URI csapi:UUID

The tenant ID in a multi-tenancy cloud.

Response parameters
Parameter Style Type Description
name plain xsd:string

The name of the extension. For example, "Fox In Socks."

description plain xsd:string

The extension description.

alias plain xsd:string

The alias for the extension. For example, "FOXNSOX," "os-availability-zone," "os-extended-quotas," "os-share-unmanage," or "os-used-limits."

updated plain xsd:dateTime

The date and time stamp when the extension was last updated. For example, "2011-01-22T13:25:27-06:00."

    "extensions": [
            "alias": "os-extended-quotas",
            "updated": "2013-06-09T00:00:00+00:00",
            "name": "ExtendedQuotas",
            "links": [],
            "description": "Extend quotas. Adds ability for admins to delete quota and optionally force the update Quota command."
            "alias": "os-quota-sets",
            "updated": "2011-08-08T00:00:00+00:00",
            "name": "Quotas",
            "links": [],
            "description": "Quotas management support."
            "alias": "os-quota-class-sets",
            "updated": "2012-03-12T00:00:00+00:00",
            "name": "QuotaClasses",
            "links": [],
            "description": "Quota classes management support."
            "alias": "os-share-unmanage",
            "updated": "2015-02-17T00:00:00+00:00",
            "name": "ShareUnmanage",
            "links": [],
            "description": "Enable share unmanage operation."
            "alias": "os-types-manage",
            "updated": "2011-08-24T00:00:00+00:00",
            "name": "TypesManage",
            "links": [],
            "description": "Types manage support."
            "alias": "share-actions",
            "updated": "2012-08-14T00:00:00+00:00",
            "name": "ShareActions",
            "links": [],
            "description": "Enable share actions."
            "alias": "os-availability-zone",
            "updated": "2015-07-28T00:00:00+00:00",
            "name": "AvailabilityZones",
            "links": [],
            "description": "Describe Availability Zones."
            "alias": "os-user-quotas",
            "updated": "2013-07-18T00:00:00+00:00",
            "name": "UserQuotas",
            "links": [],
            "description": "Project user quota support."
            "alias": "os-share-type-access",
            "updated": "2015-03-02T00:00:00Z",
            "name": "ShareTypeAccess",
            "links": [],
            "description": "share type access support."
            "alias": "os-types-extra-specs",
            "updated": "2011-08-24T00:00:00+00:00",
            "name": "TypesExtraSpecs",
            "links": [],
            "description": "Type extra specs support."
            "alias": "os-admin-actions",
            "updated": "2015-08-03T00:00:00+00:00",
            "name": "AdminActions",
            "links": [],
            "description": "Enable admin actions."
            "alias": "os-used-limits",
            "updated": "2014-03-27T00:00:00+00:00",
            "name": "UsedLimits",
            "links": [],
            "description": "Provide data on limited resources that are being used."
            "alias": "os-services",
            "updated": "2012-10-28T00:00:00-00:00",
            "name": "Services",
            "links": [],
            "description": "Services support."
            "alias": "os-share-manage",
            "updated": "2015-02-17T00:00:00+00:00",
            "name": "ShareManage",
            "links": [],
            "description": "Allows existing share to be 'managed' by Manila."

This operation does not accept a request body.


Limits are the resource limitations that are allowed for each tenant (project). An administrator can configure limits in the manila.conf file.

Users can query their rate and absolute limits. The absolute limits contain information about:

  • Total maximum share memory, in GBs.

  • Number of share-networks.

  • Number of share-snapshots.

  • Number of shares.

  • Shares and total used memory, in GBs.

  • Snapshots and total used memory, in GBs.

Rate limits control the frequency at which users can issue specific API requests. Administrators use rate limiting to configure limits on the type and number of API calls that can be made in a specific time interval. For example, a rate limit can control the number of GET requests that can be processed during a one-minute period.

Get share limits

Gets share limits.

Normal response codes
Request parameters
Parameter Style Type Description
X-Openstack-Manila-Api-Version (Optional) header xsd:string

The HTTP header to specify a valid Shared File Systems API micro-version. For example, "X-Openstack-Manila-Api-Version: 2.6". If you omit this header, the default micro-version is 2.0.

tenant_id URI csapi:UUID

The tenant ID in a multi-tenancy cloud.

Response parameters
Parameter Style Type Description
maxTotalShareGigabytes plain xsd:int

The total maximum number of share gigabytes that are allowed in a project. You cannot request a share that exceeds the allowed gigabytes quota.

maxTotalSnapshotGigabytes (Optional) plain xsd:int

The total maximum number of snapshot gigabytes that are allowed in a project.

maxTotalShares plain xsd:int

The total maximum number of shares that are allowed in a project.

maxTotalShareSnapshots plain xsd:int

The total maximum number of share snapshots that are allowed in a project.

maxTotalShareNetworks plain xsd:int

The total maximum number of share-networks that are allowed in a project.

totalSharesUsed plain xsd:int

The total number of created shares in a project.

totalShareSnapshotsUsed plain xsd:int

The total number of created share snapshots in a project.

totalShareNetworksUsed plain xsd:int

The total number of created share-networks in a project.

totalShareGigabytesUsed plain xsd:int

The total number of gigabytes used in a project by shares.

totalSnapshotGigabytesUsed (Optional) plain xsd:int

The total number of gigabytes used in a project by snapshots.

uri (Optional) plain xsd:anyURI

A human-readable URI of a rate limit.

regex (Optional) plain xsd:string

An API regular expression. For example, ^/shares for the /shares API URI or .* for any URI.

value (Optional) plain xsd:int

The number of API requests that are allowed during a specified time interval. Used in conjunction with the unit parameter, expressed as value per unit. For example, 120 requests are allowed per minute.

verb (Optional) plain xsd:string

The HTTP method for the API request. For example, GET, POST, DELETE, and so on.

remaining (Optional) plain xsd:int

The remaining number of allowed requests.

unit (Optional) plain xsd:string

The time interval during which a specified number of API requests are allowed. A valid value is SECOND, MINUTE, HOUR, or DAY. Used in conjunction with the value parameter, expressed as value per unit. For example, 120 requests are allowed per minute.

next-available (Optional) plain xsd:dateTime

The date and time stamp when next issues are available. For example, 2015-11-01T00:00:00Z.

    "limits": {
        "rate": [],
        "absolute": {
            "totalShareNetworksUsed": 0,
            "maxTotalShareGigabytes": 1000,
            "maxTotalShareNetworks": 10,
            "totalSharesUsed": 0,
            "totalShareGigabytesUsed": 0,
            "totalShareSnapshotsUsed": 0,
            "maxTotalShares": 50,
            "totalSnapshotGigabytesUsed": 0,
            "maxTotalSnapshotGigabytes": 1000,
            "maxTotalShareSnapshots": 50

This operation does not accept a request body.


A share is a remote, mountable file system. You can mount a share to and access a share from several hosts by several users at a time.

You can create a share and associate it with a network, list shares, and show information for, update, and delete a specified share.

To create a share, specify one of these supported protocols:

  • NFS. Network File System (NFS).

  • CIFS. Common Internet File System (CIFS).

  • GLUSTERFS. Gluster file system (GlusterFS).

  • HDFS. Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS).

You can also create snapshots of shares. To create a snapshot, you specify the ID of the share that you want to snapshot.

A share has one of these status values:

Share statuses
Status Description


The share is being created.


The share is being deleted.


An error occurred during share creation.


An error occurred during share deletion.


The share is ready to use.


Share manage started.


Share manage failed.


Share unmanage started.


Share cannot be unmanaged.


Share was unmanaged.


The extend, or increase, share size request was issued successfully.


Extend share failed.


Share is being shrunk.


Failed to update quota on share shrinking.


Shrink share failed due to possible data loss.

Create share

Creates a share.

Normal response codes
Request parameters
Parameter Style Type Description
X-Openstack-Manila-Api-Version (Optional) header xsd:string

The HTTP header to specify a valid Shared File Systems API micro-version. For example, "X-Openstack-Manila-Api-Version: 2.6". If you omit this header, the default micro-version is 2.0.

tenant_id URI csapi:UUID

The tenant ID in a multi-tenancy cloud.

share_proto plain xsd:string

The Shared File Systems protocol. A valid value is NFS, CIFS, GlusterFS, or HDFS.

size plain xsd:int

The share size, in GBs. The requested share size cannot be greater than the allowed GB quota. To view the allowed quota, issue a get limits request.

name (Optional) plain xsd:string

The share name.

description (Optional) plain xsd:string

The share description.

display_name (Optional) plain xsd:string

The share name.

The Shared File Systems API supports the use of both name and display_name attributes, which are inherited attributes from the Block Storage API.

display_description (Optional) plain xsd:string

The share description.

The Shared File Systems API supports the use of both description and display_description parameters, which are inherited attributes from the Block Storage API.

share_type (Optional) plain xsd:string

The share type name. If you omit this parameter, the default share type is used. To view the default share type set by the administrator, issue a list default share types request. You cannot specify both the share_type and volume_type parameters.

volume_type (Optional) plain xsd:string

The volume type. The use of the volume_type object is deprecated but supported. It is recommended that you use the share_type object when you create a share type. When you issue a create a share type request, you can submit a request body with either a share_type or volume_type object. No matter which object type you include in the request, the API creates both a volume_type object and a share_type object. Both objects have the same ID. When you issue a list share types request, the response shows both share_types and volume_types objects.

snapshot_id (Optional) plain csapi:UUID

The ID of the snapshot from which to create the share.

is_public (Optional) plain xsd:bool

The level of visibility for the share. Defines whether other tenants can or cannot see the share.

metadata (Optional) plain xsd:string

One or more metadata key-value pairs, as a dictionary of strings.

share_network_id (Optional) plain csapi:UUID

The ID of a share network where the share server exists or will be created. If share_network_id is None and you provide a snapshot_id, the share_network_id value from the specified snapshot is used.

consistency_group_id (Optional) plain csapi:UUID

(Since API v2.4.) The ID of the available consistency group in which the share will be created.

The specified consistency group must support the specified share_type and share_network_id. For details, see Consistency groups.

availability_zone (Optional) plain xsd:string

(Since API v2.1.) The availability zone.

Response parameters
Parameter Style Type Description
id plain csapi:UUID

The share ID.

status plain xsd:string

The share status. A valid value is:

  • creating. The share is being created.

  • deleting. The share is being deleted.

  • error. An error occurred during share creation.

  • error_deleting. An error occurred during share deletion.

  • available. The share is ready to use.

  • manage_starting. Share manage started.

  • manage_error. Share manage failed.

  • unmanage_starting. Share unmanage started.

  • unmanage_error. Share cannot be unmanaged.

  • unmanaged. Share was unmanaged.

  • extending. The extend, or increase, share size request was issued successfully.

  • extending_error. Extend share failed.

  • shrinking. Share is being shrunk.

  • shrinking_error. Failed to update quota on share shrinking.

  • shrinking_possible_data_loss_error. Shrink share failed due to possible data loss.

project_id plain csapi:UUID

The ID of the project in which the share was created.

share_proto plain xsd:string

The Shared File Systems protocol. A valid value is NFS, CIFS, GlusterFS, or HDFS.

size plain xsd:int

The share size, in GBs.

name (Optional) plain xsd:string

The share name.

description (Optional) plain xsd:string

The share description.

display_name (Optional) plain xsd:string

The share name.

The Shared File Systems API supports the use of both name and display_name attributes, which are inherited attributes from the Block Storage API.

display_description (Optional) plain xsd:string

The share description.

The Shared File Systems API supports the use of both description and display_description parameters, which are inherited attributes from the Block Storage API.

share_type plain csapi:UUID

(Since API v2.6.) The share type ID.

share_type_name plain xsd:string

(Since API v2.6.) The share type name.

Minor versions support only the share_type parameter where the share type name is expected.

volume_type (Optional) plain xsd:string

The volume type. The use of the volume_type object is deprecated but supported. It is recommended that you use the share_type object when you create a share type. When you issue a create a share type request, you can submit a request body with either a share_type or volume_type object. No matter which object type you include in the request, the API creates both a volume_type object and a share_type object. Both objects have the same ID. When you issue a list share types request, the response shows both share_types and volume_types objects.

snapshot_id plain csapi:UUID

The ID of the snapshot from which to create the share.

is_public (Optional) plain xsd:bool

The level of visibility for the share. Defines whether other tenants can or cannot see the share.

metadata (Optional) plain xsd:string

One or more metadata key-value pairs, as a dictionary of strings.

share_network_id plain csapi:UUID

The share network ID.

availability_zone plain xsd:string

The availability zone.

export_location plain xsd:string

The export location.

export_locations plain xsd:list

A list of export locations. For example, when a share server has more than one network interface, it can have multiple export locations.

host plain xsd:string

The share host name.

task_state plain xsd:string

(Since API v2.5.) For the share migration, the migration task state.

A valid value is null, migration_starting, migration_error, migration_success, migration_completing, or migrating. The task_state is null unless the share is migrated from one back-end to another. For details, see os-migrate_share extension request.

share_server_id plain csapi:UUID

The ID of the share server.

consistency_group_id plain csapi:UUID

(Since API v2.4.) The ID of a consistency group in which the share was created.

snapshot_support plain xsd:bool

(Since API v2.2.) An extra specification that filters back ends by whether they do or do not support share snapshots.

source_cgsnapshot_member_id plain csapi:UUID

(Since API v2.4.) If the share was created with consistency_group_id attribute, the snapshot member ID.

The corresponding consistency group must be created from a snapshot with the current share as a member.

Consistency groups and snapshots are the part of the Shared File Systems experimental API. For details, see Consistency groups and Consistency group snapshots.

created_at plain xsd:dateTime

The date and time stamp when the share was created.

    "share": {
        "description": "My custom share London",
        "share_type": null,
        "share_proto": "nfs",
        "share_network_id": "713df749-aac0-4a54-af52-10f6c991e80c",
        "name": "share_London",
        "consistency_group_id": "9397c191-8427-4661-a2e8-b23820dc01d4",
        "snapshot_id": null,
        "is_public": true,
        "size": 1,
        "metadata": {
            "project": "my_app",
            "aim": "doc"
    "share": {
        "status": null,
        "share_server_id": null,
        "project_id": "16e1ab15c35a457e9c2b2aa189f544e1",
        "name": "share_London",
        "share_type": "25747776-08e5-494f-ab40-a64b9d20d8f7",
        "share_type_name": "default",
        "availability_zone": null,
        "created_at": "2015-09-18T10:25:24.533287",
        "export_location": null,
        "links": [
                "href": "",
                "rel": "self"
                "href": "",
                "rel": "bookmark"
        "share_network_id": null,
        "export_locations": [],
        "share_proto": "NFS",
        "host": null,
        "task_state": null,
        "snapshot_support": true,
        "consistency_group_id": "9397c191-8427-4661-a2e8-b23820dc01d4",
        "source_cgsnapshot_member_id": null,
        "volume_type": "default",
        "snapshot_id": null,
        "is_public": true,
        "metadata": {
            "project": "my_app",
            "aim": "doc"
        "id": "011d21e2-fbc3-4e4a-9993-9ea223f73264",
        "size": 1,
        "description": "My custom share London"
List shares

Lists shares.

Normal response codes
Request parameters
Parameter Style Type Description
X-Openstack-Manila-Api-Version (Optional) header xsd:string

The HTTP header to specify a valid Shared File Systems API micro-version. For example, "X-Openstack-Manila-Api-Version: 2.6". If you omit this header, the default micro-version is 2.0.

tenant_id URI csapi:UUID

The tenant ID in a multi-tenancy cloud.

all_tenants (Optional) query xsd:bool

(Admin only). Defines whether to list shares for all tenants. Set to 1 to list shares for all tenants. Set to 0 to list shares only for the current tenant.

name (Optional) query xsd:string

The share name.

status (Optional) query xsd:string

Filters by a specified share status. A valid value is creating, error, available, deleting, error_deleting, manage_starting, manage_error, unmanage_starting, unmanage_error, unmanaged, extending, extending_error, shrinking, shrinking_error, or shrinking_possible_data_loss_error.

share_server_id (Optional) query csapi:UUID

The ID of the share server.

metadata (Optional) query xsd:string

One or more metadata key-value pairs, as a dictionary of strings.

extra_specs (Optional) query xsd:string

The extra specifications specified as a set of one or more key-value pairs. In each pair, the key is the name of the extra specification and the value is the share type that was used to create the share.

share_type_id (Optional) query csapi:UUID

(Since API v2.6.) The ID of the share type.

limit (Optional) query xsd:int

The maximum number of shares to return.

offset (Optional) query xsd:int

The offset to define start point of share listing.

sort_key (Optional) query xsd:string

The key to sort a list of shares. A valid value is id, status, size, host, share_proto, export_location, availability_zone, user_id, project_id, created_at, updated_at, display_name, name, share_type_id, share_type, share_network_id, share_network, snapshot_id, or snapshot.

sort_dir (Optional) query xsd:string

The direction to sort a list of shares. A valid value is asc, or desc.

snapshot_id (Optional) query csapi:UUID

The snapshot ID, that was used for the share.

host (Optional) query xsd:string

The share host name.

share_network_id (Optional) query csapi:UUID

The share network ID.

project_id (Optional) query csapi:UUID

The ID of the project in which the share was created. Useful with all_tenants parameter.

is_public (Optional) query xsd:bool

The level of visibility for the share. Set to true to list only public shares. Set to false to list only private shares.

consistency_group_id (Optional) query csapi:UUID

(Since API v2.4.) The ID of a consistency group in which the share was created.

Response parameters
Parameter Style Type Description
id plain csapi:UUID

The share ID.

name (Optional) plain xsd:string

The share name.

    "shares": [
            "id": "d94a8548-2079-4be0-b21c-0a887acd31ca",
            "links": [
                    "href": "",
                    "rel": "self"
                    "href": "",
                    "rel": "bookmark"
            "name": "My_share"
            "id": "406ea93b-32e9-4907-a117-148b3945749f",
            "links": [
                    "href": "",
                    "rel": "self"
                    "href": "",
                    "rel": "bookmark"
            "name": "Share1"
List shares (detailed)

Lists shares with details.

Normal response codes
Request parameters
Parameter Style Type Description
X-Openstack-Manila-Api-Version (Optional) header xsd:string

The HTTP header to specify a valid Shared File Systems API micro-version. For example, "X-Openstack-Manila-Api-Version: 2.6". If you omit this header, the default micro-version is 2.0.

tenant_id URI csapi:UUID

The tenant ID in a multi-tenancy cloud.

all_tenants (Optional) query xsd:bool

(Admin only). Defines whether to list shares for all tenants. Set to 1 to list shares for all tenants. Set to 0 to list shares only for the current tenant.

name (Optional) query xsd:string

The share name.

status (Optional) query xsd:string

Filters by a specified share status. A valid value is creating, error, available, deleting, error_deleting, manage_starting, manage_error, unmanage_starting, unmanage_error, unmanaged, extending, extending_error, shrinking, shrinking_error, or shrinking_possible_data_loss_error.

share_server_id (Optional) query csapi:UUID

The ID of the share server.

metadata (Optional) query xsd:string

One or more metadata key-value pairs, as a dictionary of strings.

extra_specs (Optional) query xsd:string

The extra specifications specified as a set of one or more key-value pairs. In each pair, the key is the name of the extra specification and the value is the share type that was used to create the share.

share_type_id (Optional) query csapi:UUID

(Since API v2.6.) The ID of the share type.

limit (Optional) query xsd:int

The maximum number of shares to return.

offset (Optional) query xsd:int

The offset to define start point of share listing.

sort_key (Optional) query xsd:string

The key to sort a list of shares. A valid value is id, status, size, host, share_proto, export_location, availability_zone, user_id, project_id, created_at, updated_at, display_name, name, share_type_id, share_type, share_network_id, share_network, snapshot_id, or snapshot.

sort_dir (Optional) query xsd:string

The direction to sort a list of shares. A valid value is asc, or desc.

snapshot_id (Optional) query csapi:UUID

The snapshot ID, that was used for the share.

host (Optional) query xsd:string

The share host name.

share_network_id (Optional) query csapi:UUID

The share network ID.

project_id (Optional) query csapi:UUID

The ID of the project in which the share was created. Useful with all_tenants parameter.

is_public (Optional) query xsd:bool

The level of visibility for the share. Set to true to list only public shares. Set to false to list only private shares.

consistency_group_id (Optional) query csapi:UUID

(Since API v2.4.) The ID of a consistency group in which the share was created.

Response parameters
Parameter Style Type Description
id plain csapi:UUID

The share ID.

status plain xsd:string

The share status, which is creating, error, available, deleting, error_deleting, manage_starting, manage_error, unmanage_starting, unmanage_error, unmanaged, extending, extending_error, shrinking, shrinking_error, or shrinking_possible_data_loss_error.

size plain xsd:int

The share size, in GBs.

project_id plain csapi:UUID

The ID of the project in which the share was created.

name (Optional) plain xsd:string

The share name.

description (Optional) plain xsd:string

The share description.

share_type plain csapi:UUID

(Since API v2.6.) The share type ID.

In minor versions, this parameter is a share type name, as a string.

share_type_name plain xsd:string

(Since API v2.6.) The share type name.

Minor versions support only the share_type parameter where the share type name is expected.

availability_zone plain xsd:string

The availability zone.

created_at plain xsd:dateTime

The date and time stamp when the share was created.

export_location (Optional) plain xsd:string

The export location.

export_locations (Optional) plain xsd:list

A list of export locations. For example, when a share server has more than one network interface, it can have multiple export locations.

share_network_id (Optional) plain csapi:UUID

The share network ID.

share_proto plain xsd:string

The Shared File Systems protocol. A valid value is NFS, CIFS, GlusterFS, or HDFS.

host (Optional) plain xsd:string

The share host name.

volume_type (Optional) plain xsd:string

The volume type. The use of the volume_type object is deprecated but supported. It is recommended that you use the share_type object when you create a share type. When you issue a create a share type request, you can submit a request body with either a share_type or volume_type object. No matter which object type you include in the request, the API creates both a volume_type object and a share_type object. Both objects have the same ID. When you issue a list share types request, the response shows both share_types and volume_types objects.

snapshot_id (Optional) plain csapi:UUID

The snapshot ID.

task_state plain xsd:string

(Since API v2.5.) For the share migration, the migration task state.

A valid value is null, migration_starting, migration_error, migration_success, migration_completing, or migrating. The task_state is null unless the share is migrated from one back-end to another. For details, see os-migrate_share extension request.

share_server_id plain csapi:UUID

The ID of the share server.

consistency_group_id plain csapi:UUID

(Since API v2.4.) The ID of a consistency group in which the share was created.

snapshot_support plain xsd:bool

(Since API v2.2.) An extra specification that filters back ends by whether they do or do not support share snapshots.

source_cgsnapshot_member_id plain csapi:UUID

(Since API v2.4.) If the share was created with consistency_group_id attribute, the snapshot member ID.

The corresponding consistency group must be created from a snapshot with the current share as a member.

Consistency groups and snapshots are the part of the Shared File Systems experimental API. For details, see Consistency groups and Consistency group snapshots.

is_public (Optional) plain xsd:bool

The level of visibility for the share. Defines whether other tenants can or cannot see the share.

metadata (Optional) plain xsd:string

One or more metadata key-value pairs, as a dictionary of strings.

    "shares": [
            "links": [
                    "href": "",
                    "rel": "self"
                    "href": "",
                    "rel": "bookmark"
            "availability_zone": "nova",
            "share_network_id": "f9b2e754-ac01-4466-86e1-5c569424754e",
            "export_locations": [],
            "share_server_id": "87d8943a-f5da-47a4-b2f2-ddfa6794aa82",
            "snapshot_id": null,
            "id": "f45cc5b2-d1bb-4a3e-ba5b-5c4125613adc",
            "size": 1,
            "share_type": "25747776-08e5-494f-ab40-a64b9d20d8f7",
            "share_type_name": "default",
            "export_location": null,
            "consistency_group_id": "9397c191-8427-4661-a2e8-b23820dc01d4",
            "project_id": "16e1ab15c35a457e9c2b2aa189f544e1",
            "metadata": {},
            "status": "error",
            "description": "There is a share description.",
            "host": "manila2@generic1#GENERIC1",
            "task_state": null,
            "is_public": true,
            "snapshot_support": true,
            "name": "my_share4",
            "created_at": "2015-09-16T18:19:50.000000",
            "share_proto": "NFS",
            "volume_type": "default",
            "source_cgsnapshot_member_id": null
            "links": [
                    "href": "",
                    "rel": "self"
                    "href": "",
                    "rel": "bookmark"
            "availability_zone": "nova",
            "share_network_id": "f9b2e754-ac01-4466-86e1-5c569424754e",
            "export_locations": [
            "share_server_id": "87d8943a-f5da-47a4-b2f2-ddfa6794aa82",
            "snapshot_id": null,
            "id": "c4a2ced4-2c9f-4ae1-adaa-6171833e64df",
            "size": 1,
            "share_type": "25747776-08e5-494f-ab40-a64b9d20d8f7",
            "share_type_name": "default",
            "export_location": "",
            "consistency_group_id": "9397c191-8427-4661-a2e8-b23820dc01d4",
            "project_id": "16e1ab15c35a457e9c2b2aa189f544e1",
            "metadata": {},
            "status": "available",
            "description": "Changed description.",
            "host": "manila2@generic1#GENERIC1",
            "task_state": null,
            "is_public": true,
            "snapshot_support": true,
            "name": "my_share4",
            "created_at": "2015-09-16T17:26:28.000000",
            "share_proto": "NFS",
            "volume_type": "default",
            "source_cgsnapshot_member_id": null
Show share

Shows information about a specified share.

Normal response codes
Request parameters
Parameter Style Type Description
X-Openstack-Manila-Api-Version (Optional) header xsd:string

The HTTP header to specify a valid Shared File Systems API micro-version. For example, "X-Openstack-Manila-Api-Version: 2.6". If you omit this header, the default micro-version is 2.0.

tenant_id URI csapi:UUID

The tenant ID in a multi-tenancy cloud.

share_id URI csapi:UUID

The ID of an existing share.

Response parameters
Parameter Style Type Description
id plain csapi:UUID

The share ID.

status plain xsd:string

The share status, which is creating, error, available, deleting, error_deleting, manage_starting, manage_error, unmanage_starting, unmanage_error, unmanaged, extending, extending_error, shrinking, shrinking_error, or shrinking_possible_data_loss_error.

size plain xsd:int

The share size, in GBs.

project_id plain csapi:UUID

The ID of the project in which the share was created.

name (Optional) plain xsd:string

The share name.

description (Optional) plain xsd:string

The share description.

share_type plain csapi:UUID

(Since API v2.6.) The share type ID.

In minor versions, this parameter is a share type name, as a string.

share_type_name plain xsd:string

(Since API v2.6.) The share type name.

Minor versions support only the share_type parameter where the share type name is expected.

availability_zone plain xsd:string

The availability zone.

created_at plain xsd:dateTime

The date and time stamp when the share was created.

export_location (Optional) plain xsd:string

The export location.

export_locations (Optional) plain xsd:list

A list of export locations. For example, when a share server has more than one network interface, it can have multiple export locations.

share_network_id (Optional) plain csapi:UUID

The share network ID.

share_proto plain xsd:string

The Shared File Systems protocol. A valid value is NFS, CIFS, GlusterFS, or HDFS.

host (Optional) plain xsd:string

The share host name.

volume_type (Optional) plain xsd:string

The volume type. The use of the volume_type object is deprecated but supported. It is recommended that you use the share_type object when you create a share type. When you issue a create a share type request, you can submit a request body with either a share_type or volume_type object. No matter which object type you include in the request, the API creates both a volume_type object and a share_type object. Both objects have the same ID. When you issue a list share types request, the response shows both share_types and volume_types objects.

snapshot_id (Optional) plain csapi:UUID

The snapshot ID.

task_state plain xsd:string

(Since API v2.5.) For the share migration, the migration task state.

A valid value is null, migration_starting, migration_error, migration_success, migration_completing, or migrating. The task_state is null unless the share is migrated from one back-end to another. For details, see os-migrate_share extension request.

share_server_id plain csapi:UUID

The ID of the share server.

consistency_group_id plain csapi:UUID

(Since API v2.4.) The ID of a consistency group in which the share was created.

snapshot_support plain xsd:bool

(Since API v2.2.) An extra specification that filters back ends by whether they do or do not support share snapshots.

source_cgsnapshot_member_id plain csapi:UUID

(Since API v2.4.) If the share was created with consistency_group_id attribute, the snapshot member ID.

The corresponding consistency group must be created from a snapshot with the current share as a member.

Consistency groups and snapshots are the part of the Shared File Systems experimental API. For details, see Consistency groups and Consistency group snapshots.

is_public (Optional) plain xsd:bool

The level of visibility for the share. Defines whether other tenants can or cannot see the share.

metadata (Optional) plain xsd:string

One or more metadata key-value pairs, as a dictionary of strings.

    "share": {
        "links": [
                "href": "",
                "rel": "self"
                "href": "",
                "rel": "bookmark"
        "availability_zone": "nova",
        "share_network_id": "713df749-aac0-4a54-af52-10f6c991e80c",
        "export_locations": [],
        "share_server_id": "e268f4aa-d571-43dd-9ab3-f49ad06ffaef",
        "snapshot_id": null,
        "id": "011d21e2-fbc3-4e4a-9993-9ea223f73264",
        "size": 1,
        "share_type": "25747776-08e5-494f-ab40-a64b9d20d8f7",
        "share_type_name": "default",
        "export_location": null,
        "consistency_group_id": "9397c191-8427-4661-a2e8-b23820dc01d4",
        "project_id": "16e1ab15c35a457e9c2b2aa189f544e1",
        "metadata": {
            "project": "my_app",
            "aim": "doc"
        "status": "available",
        "description": "My custom share London",
        "host": "manila2@generic1#GENERIC1",
        "task_state": null,
        "is_public": true,
        "snapshot_support": true,
        "name": "share_London",
        "created_at": "2015-09-18T10:25:24.000000",
        "share_proto": "NFS",
        "volume_type": "default",
        "source_cgsnapshot_member_id": null

This operation does not accept a request body.

Update share

Updates a specified share.


You can update these attributes:

  • display_name, which also changes the name of the share.

  • display_description, which also changes the description of the share.

  • is_public. Changes the level of visibility.

If you try to update other attributes, they retain their previous values.

Normal response codes
Request parameters
Parameter Style Type Description
X-Openstack-Manila-Api-Version (Optional) header xsd:string

The HTTP header to specify a valid Shared File Systems API micro-version. For example, "X-Openstack-Manila-Api-Version: 2.6". If you omit this header, the default micro-version is 2.0.

tenant_id URI csapi:UUID

The tenant ID in a multi-tenancy cloud.

share_id URI csapi:UUID

The ID of an existing share.

display_name (Optional) plain xsd:string

The share name. If you specify this parameter, the share name is updated.

display_description (Optional) plain xsd:string

The share description. If you specify this parameter, the share description is updated.

is_public (Optional) plain xsd:bool

The level of visibility for the share. Defines whether other tenants can or cannot see the share.

Response parameters
Parameter Style Type Description
id plain csapi:UUID

The share ID.

status plain xsd:string

The share status, which is creating, error, available, deleting, error_deleting, manage_starting, manage_error, unmanage_starting, unmanage_error, unmanaged, extending, extending_error, shrinking, shrinking_error, or shrinking_possible_data_loss_error.

size plain xsd:int

The share size, in GBs.

project_id plain csapi:UUID

The ID of the project in which the share was created.

name (Optional) plain xsd:string

The share name.

description (Optional) plain xsd:string

The share description.

share_type plain csapi:UUID

(Since API v2.6.) The share type ID.

In minor versions, this parameter is a share type name, as a string.

share_type_name plain xsd:string

(Since API v2.6.) The share type name.

Minor versions support only the share_type parameter where the share type name is expected.

availability_zone plain xsd:string

The availability zone.

created_at plain xsd:dateTime

The date and time stamp when the share was created.

export_location (Optional) plain xsd:string

The export location.

export_locations (Optional) plain xsd:list

A list of export locations. For example, when a share server has more than one network interface, it can have multiple export locations.

share_network_id (Optional) plain csapi:UUID

The share network ID.

share_proto plain xsd:string

The Shared File Systems protocol. A valid value is NFS, CIFS, GlusterFS, or HDFS.

host (Optional) plain xsd:string

The share host name.

volume_type (Optional) plain xsd:string

The volume type. The use of the volume_type object is deprecated but supported. It is recommended that you use the share_type object when you create a share type. When you issue a create a share type request, you can submit a request body with either a share_type or volume_type object. No matter which object type you include in the request, the API creates both a volume_type object and a share_type object. Both objects have the same ID. When you issue a list share types request, the response shows both share_types and volume_types objects.

snapshot_id (Optional) plain csapi:UUID

The snapshot ID.

task_state plain xsd:string

(Since API v2.5.) For the share migration, the migration task state.

A valid value is null, migration_starting, migration_error, migration_success, migration_completing, or migrating. The task_state is null unless the share is migrated from one back-end to another. For details, see os-migrate_share extension request.

share_server_id plain csapi:UUID

The ID of the share server.

consistency_group_id plain csapi:UUID

(Since API v2.4.) The ID of a consistency group in which the share was created.

snapshot_support plain xsd:bool

(Since API v2.2.) An extra specification that filters back ends by whether they do or do not support share snapshots.

source_cgsnapshot_member_id plain csapi:UUID

(Since API v2.4.) If the share was created with consistency_group_id attribute, the snapshot member ID.

The corresponding consistency group must be created from a snapshot with the current share as a member.

Consistency groups and snapshots are the part of the Shared File Systems experimental API. For details, see Consistency groups and Consistency group snapshots.

is_public (Optional) plain xsd:bool

The level of visibility for the share. Defines whether other tenants can or cannot see the share.

metadata (Optional) plain xsd:string

One or more metadata key-value pairs, as a dictionary of strings.

    "share": {
        "is_public": true,
        "display_description": "Changing the share description."
    "share": {
        "links": [
                "href": "",
                "rel": "self"
                "href": "",
                "rel": "bookmark"
        "availability_zone": "nova",
        "share_network_id": "713df749-aac0-4a54-af52-10f6c991e80c",
        "export_locations": [],
        "share_server_id": "e268f4aa-d571-43dd-9ab3-f49ad06ffaef",
        "snapshot_id": null,
        "id": "011d21e2-fbc3-4e4a-9993-9ea223f73264",
        "size": 1,
        "share_type": "25747776-08e5-494f-ab40-a64b9d20d8f7",
        "share_type_name": "default",
        "export_location": null,
        "consistency_group_id": "9397c191-8427-4661-a2e8-b23820dc01d4",
        "project_id": "16e1ab15c35a457e9c2b2aa189f544e1",
        "metadata": {
            "project": "my_app",
            "aim": "doc"
        "status": "error",
        "description": "Changing the share description.",
        "host": "manila2@generic1#GENERIC1",
        "task_state": null,
        "is_public": true,
        "snapshot_support": true,
        "name": "share_London",
        "created_at": "2015-09-18T10:25:24.000000",
        "share_proto": "NFS",
        "volume_type": "default",
        "source_cgsnapshot_member_id": null
Delete share

Deletes a specified share.

Normal response codes
Request parameters
Parameter Style Type Description
X-Openstack-Manila-Api-Version (Optional) header xsd:string

The HTTP header to specify a valid Shared File Systems API micro-version. For example, "X-Openstack-Manila-Api-Version: 2.6". If you omit this header, the default micro-version is 2.0.

tenant_id URI csapi:UUID

The tenant ID in a multi-tenancy cloud.

share_id URI csapi:UUID

The ID of an existing share.

consistency_group_id (Optional) query csapi:UUID

(Since API v2.4.) The ID of a consistency group in which the share was created. You can omit this parameter if the share was created without a consistency group.

This operation does not return a response body.

Share metadata

Shows, sets, updates, and unsets share metadata.

Show share metadata

Shows the metadata for a specified share.

Normal response codes
Request parameters
Parameter Style Type Description
X-Openstack-Manila-Api-Version (Optional) header xsd:string

The HTTP header to specify a valid Shared File Systems API micro-version. For example, "X-Openstack-Manila-Api-Version: 2.6". If you omit this header, the default micro-version is 2.0.

tenant_id URI csapi:UUID

The tenant ID in a multi-tenancy cloud.

share_id URI csapi:UUID

The ID of an existing share.

Response parameters
Parameter Style Type Description
metadata (Optional) plain xsd:string

One or more metadata key-value pairs, as a dictionary of strings.

    "metadata": {
        "project": "my_app",
        "aim": "doc"

This operation does not accept a request body.

Update share metadata

Updates the metadata for a specified share.

Normal response codes
Request parameters
Parameter Style Type Description
X-Openstack-Manila-Api-Version (Optional) header xsd:string

The HTTP header to specify a valid Shared File Systems API micro-version. For example, "X-Openstack-Manila-Api-Version: 2.6". If you omit this header, the default micro-version is 2.0.

tenant_id URI csapi:UUID

The tenant ID in a multi-tenancy cloud.

share_id URI csapi:UUID

The ID of an existing share.

metadata (Optional) plain xsd:string

One or more metadata key-value pairs, as a dictionary of strings. For example, "project": "my_test", "aim": "testing". The share server does not respect case-sensitive key names. For example, "key": "v1" and "KEY": "V1" are equivalent. If you specify both key-value pairs, the server sets and returns only the "KEY": "V1" key-value pair.

Response parameters
Parameter Style Type Description
metadata (Optional) plain xsd:string

One or more metadata key-value pairs, as a dictionary of strings.

    "metadata": {
        "aim": "changed_doc",
        "project": "my_app",
        "new_metadata_key": "new_information"
    "metadata": {
        "aim": "changed_doc",
        "project": "my_app",
        "new_metadata_key": "new_information"
Set share metadata

Sets the metadata on a specified share.

Normal response codes
Request parameters
Parameter Style Type Description
X-Openstack-Manila-Api-Version (Optional) header xsd:string

The HTTP header to specify a valid Shared File Systems API micro-version. For example, "X-Openstack-Manila-Api-Version: 2.6". If you omit this header, the default micro-version is 2.0.

tenant_id URI csapi:UUID

The tenant ID in a multi-tenancy cloud.

share_id URI csapi:UUID

The ID of an existing share.

metadata (Optional) plain xsd:string

One or more metadata key-value pairs, as a dictionary of strings. For example, "project": "my_test", "aim": "testing". The share server does not respect case-sensitive key names. For example, "key": "v1" and "KEY": "V1" are equivalent. If you specify both key-value pairs, the server sets and returns only the "KEY": "V1" key-value pair.

Response parameters
Parameter Style Type Description
metadata (Optional) plain xsd:string

One or more metadata key-value pairs, as a dictionary of strings.

    "metadata": {
        "key1": "value1"
    "metadata": {
        "aim": "changed_doc",
        "project": "my_app",
        "key1": "value1",
        "new_metadata_key": "new_information",
        "key": "value"
Unset share metadata

Unsets the metadata on a specified share.


To unset a metadata key value, specify only the key name in the URI.

Normal response codes
Request parameters
Parameter Style Type Description
X-Openstack-Manila-Api-Version (Optional) header xsd:string

The HTTP header to specify a valid Shared File Systems API micro-version. For example, "X-Openstack-Manila-Api-Version: 2.6". If you omit this header, the default micro-version is 2.0.

tenant_id URI csapi:UUID

The tenant ID in a multi-tenancy cloud.

share_id URI csapi:UUID

The ID of an existing share.

metadata_key URI csapi:string

The metadata key.

This operation does not accept a request body and does not return a response body.

Share actions

Use share actions to grant or deny access to a specified share, list the permissions for a specified share, and explicitly update the state of a share.

To grant or deny access to a share, specify one of these supported share access levels:

  • rw. Read and write (RW) access.

  • ro. Read-only (RO) access.

You must also specify one of these supported authentication methods:

  • ip. Authenticates an instance through its IP address. A valid format is XX.XX.XX.XX or XX.XX.XX.XX/XX. For example

  • cert. Authenticates an instance through a TLS certificate. Specify the TLS identity as the IDENTKEY. A valid value is any string up to 64 characters long in the common name (CN) of the certificate. The meaning of a string depends on its interpretation.

  • user. Authenticates by a specified user or group name. A valid value is an alphanumeric string that can contain some special characters and is from 4 to 32 characters long.

To verify that the access rules (ACL) were configured correctly for a share, you list permissions for a share.

As administrator, you can reset the state of a share and force-delete a specified share in any state. Use the policy.json file to grant permissions for this action to other roles.

You can set the state of a share to one of these supported states:

  • available

  • error

  • creating

  • deleting

  • error_deleting

Allow access

Grants access to a specified share.

Normal response codes
Request parameters
Parameter Style Type Description
X-Openstack-Manila-Api-Version (Optional) header xsd:string

The HTTP header to specify a valid Shared File Systems API micro-version. For example, "X-Openstack-Manila-Api-Version: 2.6". If you omit this header, the default micro-version is 2.0.

tenant_id URI csapi:UUID

The tenant ID in a multi-tenancy cloud.

share_id URI csapi:UUID

The ID of an existing share.

access_level plain xsd:string

The access level to the share.

To grant or deny access to a share, you specify one of the following share access levels:

  • rw. Read and write (RW) access.

  • ro. Read-only (RO) access.

access_type plain xsd:string

The access rule type.

A valid value for the share access rule type is one of the following values:

  • ip. Authenticates an instance through its IP address. A valid format is XX.XX.XX.XX or XX.XX.XX.XX/XX. For example

  • cert. Authenticates an instance through a TLS certificate. Specify the TLS identity as the IDENTKEY. A valid value is any string up to 64 characters long in the common name (CN) of the certificate. The meaning of a string depends on its interpretation.

  • user. Authenticates by a specified user or group name. A valid value is an alphanumeric string that can contain some special characters and is from 4 to 32 characters long.

access_to plain xsd:string

The value that defines the access. The back end grants or denies the access to it.

A valid value is one of these values:

  • ip. Authenticates an instance through its IP address. A valid format is XX.XX.XX.XX or XX.XX.XX.XX/XX. For example

  • cert. Authenticates an instance through a TLS certificate. Specify the TLS identity as the IDENTKEY. A valid value is any string up to 64 characters long in the common name (CN) of the certificate. The meaning of a string depends on its interpretation.

  • user. Authenticates by a specified user or group name. A valid value is an alphanumeric string that can contain some special characters and is from 4 to 32 characters long.

Response parameters
Parameter Style Type Description
id plain csapi:UUID

The access rule ID.

share_id plain csapi:UUID

The ID of the share to which you are granted or denied access.

created_at plain xsd:dateTime

The date and time stamp when the access rule was created.

updated_at plain xsd:dateTime

The date and time stamp when the access rule was updated.

If the access rule was never updated, this value is null.

access_type plain xsd:string

The rule access type.

access_to plain xsd:string

The access that the back end grants or denies.

A valid value for the share access rule type is one of these values:

  • ip. Authenticates an instance through its IP address. A valid format is XX.XX.XX.XX or XX.XX.XX.XX/XX. For example

  • cert. Authenticates an instance through a TLS certificate. Specify the TLS identity as the IDENTKEY. A valid value is any string up to 64 characters long in the common name (CN) of the certificate. The meaning of a string depends on its interpretation.

  • user. Authenticates by a specified user or group name. A valid value is an alphanumeric string that can contain some special characters and is from 4 to 32 characters long.

access_level plain xsd:string

The share access level.

    "os-allow_access": {
        "access_level": "rw",
        "access_type": "ip",
        "access_to": ""
    "access": {
        "share_id": "406ea93b-32e9-4907-a117-148b3945749f",
        "created_at": "2015-09-07T09:14:48.000000",
        "updated_at": null,
        "access_type": "ip",
        "access_to": "",
        "access_level": "rw",
        "id": "a25b2df3-90bd-4add-afa6-5f0dbbd50452"
Deny access

Denies access to a specified share.

Normal response codes
Request parameters
Parameter Style Type Description
X-Openstack-Manila-Api-Version (Optional) header xsd:string

The HTTP header to specify a valid Shared File Systems API micro-version. For example, "X-Openstack-Manila-Api-Version: 2.6". If you omit this header, the default micro-version is 2.0.

tenant_id URI csapi:UUID

The tenant ID in a multi-tenancy cloud.

share_id URI csapi:UUID

The ID of an existing share.

access_id plain xsd:string

The ID of the access rule to which access is granted.

    "os-deny_access": {
        "access_id": "a25b2df3-90bd-4add-afa6-5f0dbbd50452"

This operation does not return a response body.

List access rules

Lists access rules for a specified share.

Normal response codes
Request parameters
Parameter Style Type Description
X-Openstack-Manila-Api-Version (Optional) header xsd:string

The HTTP header to specify a valid Shared File Systems API micro-version. For example, "X-Openstack-Manila-Api-Version: 2.6". If you omit this header, the default micro-version is 2.0.

tenant_id URI csapi:UUID

The tenant ID in a multi-tenancy cloud.

share_id URI csapi:UUID

The ID of an existing share.

os-access_list plain xsd:string

The object of the access rule. To list access rules, set this value to null.

Response parameters
Parameter Style Type Description
access_level plain xsd:string

The share access level. A valid value is either:

  • rw. Read and write (RW) access.

  • ro. Read-only (RO) access.

state plain xsd:string

The access rule state. A valid value is active or error.

id plain csapi:UUID

The access rule ID.

access_type plain xsd:string

The access type of an access rule.

access_to plain xsd:string

The access that the back end grants or denies.

A valid value for the share access rule type is one of these values:

  • ip. Authenticates an instance through its IP address. A valid format is XX.XX.XX.XX or XX.XX.XX.XX/XX. For example

  • cert. Authenticates an instance through a TLS certificate. Specify the TLS identity as the IDENTKEY. A valid value is any string up to 64 characters long in the common name (CN) of the certificate. The meaning of a string depends on its interpretation.

  • user. Authenticates by a specified user or group name. A valid value is an alphanumeric string that can contain some special characters and is from 4 to 32 characters long.

    "os-access_list": null
    "access_list": [
            "access_level": "rw",
            "state": "error",
            "id": "507bf114-36f2-4f56-8cf4-857985ca87c1",
            "access_type": "cert",
            "access_to": ""
            "access_level": "rw",
            "state": "active",
            "id": "a25b2df3-90bd-4add-afa6-5f0dbbd50452",
            "access_type": "ip",
            "access_to": ""
Reset share state

Administrator only. Explicitly updates the state of a specified share.


Use the policy.json file to grant permissions for this action to other roles.

Normal response codes
Request parameters
Parameter Style Type Description
X-Openstack-Manila-Api-Version (Optional) header xsd:string

The HTTP header to specify a valid Shared File Systems API micro-version. For example, "X-Openstack-Manila-Api-Version: 2.6". If you omit this header, the default micro-version is 2.0.

tenant_id URI csapi:UUID

The tenant ID in a multi-tenancy cloud.

share_id URI csapi:UUID

The ID of an existing share.

status plain xsd:string

The share status, which is creating, error, available, deleting, or error_deleting.

    "os-reset_status": {
        "status": "error"

This operation does not return a response body.

Force-delete share

Administrator only. Force-deletes a specified share in any state.


Use the policy.json file to grant permissions for this action to other roles.

Normal response codes
Request parameters
Parameter Style Type Description
X-Openstack-Manila-Api-Version (Optional) header xsd:string

The HTTP header to specify a valid Shared File Systems API micro-version. For example, "X-Openstack-Manila-Api-Version: 2.6". If you omit this header, the default micro-version is 2.0.

tenant_id URI csapi:UUID

The tenant ID in a multi-tenancy cloud.

share_id URI csapi:UUID

The ID of an existing share.

os-force_delete plain xsd:string

To force-delete a share, set this value to null. The force-delete action, unlike the delete action, ignores the share status.

    "os-force_delete": null

This operation does not return a response body.

Extend share

Increases the size of a specified share.

Normal response codes
Request parameters
Parameter Style Type Description
X-Openstack-Manila-Api-Version (Optional) header xsd:string

The HTTP header to specify a valid Shared File Systems API micro-version. For example, "X-Openstack-Manila-Api-Version: 2.6". If you omit this header, the default micro-version is 2.0.

tenant_id URI csapi:UUID

The tenant ID in a multi-tenancy cloud.

share_id URI csapi:UUID

The ID of an existing share.

new_size plain xsd:int

New size of the share, in GBs.

    "os-extend": {
        "new_size": 2

This operation does not return a response body.

Shrink share

Shrinks the size of a specified share.

Normal response codes
Request parameters
Parameter Style Type Description
X-Openstack-Manila-Api-Version (Optional) header xsd:string

The HTTP header to specify a valid Shared File Systems API micro-version. For example, "X-Openstack-Manila-Api-Version: 2.6". If you omit this header, the default micro-version is 2.0.

tenant_id URI csapi:UUID

The tenant ID in a multi-tenancy cloud.

share_id URI csapi:UUID

The ID of an existing share.

new_size plain xsd:int

New size of the share, in GBs.

    "os-shrink": {
        "new_size": 1

This operation does not return a response body.

Migrate share

Migrates a specified share from one back end to another. (Since API v2.5.)


You can migrate a specified share from one back end to another but both back ends must set the driver_handles_share_servers parameter to False. This action is not supported if one of the back ends is handled by a share driver. You can configure a back end in the manila.conf file.

Normal response codes
Request parameters
Parameter Style Type Description
X-Openstack-Manila-Api-Version (Optional) header xsd:string

The HTTP header to specify a valid Shared File Systems API micro-version. For example, "X-Openstack-Manila-Api-Version: 2.6". If you omit this header, the default micro-version is 2.0.

tenant_id URI csapi:UUID

The tenant ID in a multi-tenancy cloud.

share_id URI csapi:UUID

The ID of an existing share.

host plain xsd:string

The host pool of the destination back end, in this format: host@backend#POOL.

  • host. The host name for the destination back end.

  • backend. The name of the destination back end.

  • POOL. The pool name for the destination back end.

force_host_copy plain xsd:bool

Enables or disables generic host-based forced migrations, which bypasses driver optimizations. Default value is false.

    "os-migrate_share": {
        "force_host_copy": false,
        "host": "manila2@ams_backend#AMS_BACKEND"

This operation does not return a response body.

Share snapshots

Use the shared file service to make snapshots of shares. A share snapshot is a point-in-time, read-only copy of the data that is contained in a share. You can create, update, and delete share snapshots. After you create a share snapshot, you can create a share from it.

You can update a share snapshot to rename it, change its description, or update its state to one of these supported states:

  • available

  • error

  • creating

  • deleting

  • error_deleting

As administrator, you can also reset the state of a snapshot and force-delete a specified share snapshot in any state. Use the policy.json file to grant permissions for these actions to other roles.

Create share snapshot

Creates a snapshot from a specified share.

Normal response codes
Request parameters
Parameter Style Type Description
X-Openstack-Manila-Api-Version (Optional) header xsd:string

The HTTP header to specify a valid Shared File Systems API micro-version. For example, "X-Openstack-Manila-Api-Version: 2.6". If you omit this header, the default micro-version is 2.0.

tenant_id URI csapi:UUID

The tenant ID in a multi-tenancy cloud.

share_id plain csapi:UUID

The ID of the share from which to create a snapshot.

force (Optional) plain xsd:bool

Indicates whether snapshot creation is enabled when a share is busy.

Set to true to force snapshot creation when the share is busy.

Set to false to deny snapshot creation when the share is busy. Default is false.

name (Optional) plain xsd:string

The snapshot name.

display_name (Optional) plain xsd:string

The snapshot name.

The Shared File Systems API supports the use of both name and display_name attributes, which are inherited attributes from the Block Storage API.

description (Optional) plain xsd:string

The snapshot description.

display_description (Optional) plain xsd:string

The share description.

The Shared File Systems API supports the use of both description and display_description parameters, which are inherited attributes from the Block Storage API.

Response parameters
Parameter Style Type Description
id plain csapi:UUID

The snapshot ID.

share_id plain csapi:UUID

The ID of the source share that was used for a snapshot.

status plain xsd:string

The snapshot status, which is available, error, creating, deleting, or error_deleting.

name plain xsd:string

The snapshot name.

description plain xsd:string

The snapshot description.

created_at plain xsd:dateTime

The date and time stamp when the snapshot was created.

share_proto plain xsd:string

The file system protocol of a share snapshot. A valid value is NFS, CIFS, GlusterFS, or HDFS.

share_size plain xsd:int

The share snapshot size, in GBs.

size plain xsd:int

The snapshot size, in GBs.

    "snapshot": {
        "share_id": "406ea93b-32e9-4907-a117-148b3945749f",
        "force": "True",
        "name": "snapshot_share1",
        "description": "Here is a snapshot of share Share1"
    "snapshot": {
        "status": "creating",
        "share_id": "406ea93b-32e9-4907-a117-148b3945749f",
        "name": "snapshot_share1",
        "links": [
                "href": "",
                "rel": "self"
                "href": "",
                "rel": "bookmark"
        "created_at": "2015-09-07T11:50:39.756808",
        "description": "Here is a snapshot of share Share1",
        "share_proto": "NFS",
        "share_size": 1,
        "id": "6d221c1d-0200-461e-8d20-24b4776b9ddb",
        "size": 1
List share snapshots

Lists all share snapshots.

Normal response codes
Request parameters
Parameter Style Type Description
X-Openstack-Manila-Api-Version (Optional) header xsd:string

The HTTP header to specify a valid Shared File Systems API micro-version. For example, "X-Openstack-Manila-Api-Version: 2.6". If you omit this header, the default micro-version is 2.0.

tenant_id URI csapi:UUID

The tenant ID in a multi-tenancy cloud.

Response parameters
Parameter Style Type Description
id plain csapi:UUID

The snapshot ID.

name plain xsd:string

The snapshot name.

    "snapshots": [
            "id": "086a1aa6-c425-4ecd-9612-391a3b1b9375",
            "links": [
                    "href": "",
                    "rel": "self"
                    "href": "",
                    "rel": "bookmark"
            "name": "snapshot_My_share"
            "id": "6d221c1d-0200-461e-8d20-24b4776b9ddb",
            "links": [
                    "href": "",
                    "rel": "self"
                    "href": "",
                    "rel": "bookmark"
            "name": "snapshot_share1"

This operation does not accept a request body.

List share snapshots (detailed)

Lists all share snapshots with details.

Normal response codes
Request parameters
Parameter Style Type Description
X-Openstack-Manila-Api-Version (Optional) header xsd:string

The HTTP header to specify a valid Shared File Systems API micro-version. For example, "X-Openstack-Manila-Api-Version: 2.6". If you omit this header, the default micro-version is 2.0.

tenant_id URI csapi:UUID

The tenant ID in a multi-tenancy cloud.

Response parameters
Parameter Style Type Description
id plain csapi:UUID

The snapshot ID.

status plain xsd:string

The snapshot status, which is available, error, creating, deleting, or error_deleting.

share_id plain csapi:UUID

The ID of the source share that was used for a snapshot.

name plain xsd:string

The snapshot name.

description plain xsd:string

The snapshot description.

created_at plain xsd:dateTime

The date and time stamp when the snapshot was created.

share_proto plain xsd:string

The file system protocol of a share snapshot. A valid value is NFS, CIFS, GlusterFS, or HDFS.

share_size plain xsd:int

The size of a source share, in GBs.

size plain xsd:int

The snapshot size, in GBs.

    "snapshots": [
            "status": "creating",
            "share_id": "d94a8548-2079-4be0-b21c-0a887acd31ca",
            "name": "snapshot_My_share",
            "links": [
                    "href": "",
                    "rel": "self"
                    "href": "",
                    "rel": "bookmark"
            "created_at": "2015-09-07T11:55:09.000000",
            "description": "Here is a snapshot of share My_share",
            "share_proto": "NFS",
            "share_size": 1,
            "id": "086a1aa6-c425-4ecd-9612-391a3b1b9375",
            "size": 1
            "status": "available",
            "share_id": "406ea93b-32e9-4907-a117-148b3945749f",
            "name": "snapshot_share1",
            "links": [
                    "href": "",
                    "rel": "self"
                    "href": "",
                    "rel": "bookmark"
            "created_at": "2015-09-07T11:50:39.000000",
            "description": "Here is a snapshot of share Share1",
            "share_proto": "NFS",
            "share_size": 1,
            "id": "6d221c1d-0200-461e-8d20-24b4776b9ddb",
            "size": 1

This operation does not accept a request body.

Show share snapshot details

Shows information for a specified share snapshot.

Normal response codes
Request parameters
Parameter Style Type Description
X-Openstack-Manila-Api-Version (Optional) header xsd:string

The HTTP header to specify a valid Shared File Systems API micro-version. For example, "X-Openstack-Manila-Api-Version: 2.6". If you omit this header, the default micro-version is 2.0.

tenant_id URI csapi:UUID

The tenant ID in a multi-tenancy cloud.

snapshot_id URI csapi:UUID

The ID of an existing snapshot.

Response parameters
Parameter Style Type Description
id plain csapi:UUID

The snapshot ID.

status plain xsd:string

The snapshot status, which is available, error, creating, deleting, or error_deleting.

share_id plain csapi:UUID

The ID of the source share that was used for a snapshot.

name plain xsd:string

The snapshot name.

description plain xsd:string

The snapshot description.

created_at plain xsd:dateTime

The date and time stamp when the snapshot was created.

share_proto plain xsd:string

The file system protocol of a share snapshot. A valid value is NFS, CIFS, GlusterFS, or HDFS.

share_size plain xsd:int

The size of a source share, in GBs.

size plain xsd:int

The snapshot size, in GBs.

    "snapshot": {
        "status": "available",
        "share_id": "406ea93b-32e9-4907-a117-148b3945749f",
        "name": "snapshot_share1",
        "links": [
                "href": "",
                "rel": "self"
                "href": "",
                "rel": "bookmark"
        "created_at": "2015-09-07T11:50:39.000000",
        "description": "Here is a snapshot of share Share1",
        "share_proto": "NFS",
        "share_size": 1,
        "id": "6d221c1d-0200-461e-8d20-24b4776b9ddb",
        "size": 1

This operation does not accept a request body.

Update share snapshot

Updates a specified share snapshot.


You can update these attributes:

  • display_name, which also changes the name of the share snapshot.

  • display_description, which also changes the description of the share snapshot.

  • is_public. Changes the level of visibility.

If you try to update other attributes, they retain their previous values.

Normal response codes
Request parameters
Parameter Style Type Description
X-Openstack-Manila-Api-Version (Optional) header xsd:string

The HTTP header to specify a valid Shared File Systems API micro-version. For example, "X-Openstack-Manila-Api-Version: 2.6". If you omit this header, the default micro-version is 2.0.

tenant_id URI csapi:UUID

The tenant ID in a multi-tenancy cloud.

snapshot_id URI csapi:UUID

The ID of an existing snapshot.

display_name (Optional) plain xsd:string

The snapshot name. If you specify this attribute, the snapshot name is updated.

display_description (Optional) plain xsd:string

The snapshot description. If you specify this attribute, the snapshot description is updated.

Response parameters
Parameter Style Type Description
id plain csapi:UUID

The snapshot ID.

status plain xsd:string

The snapshot status, which is available, error, creating, deleting, or error_deleting.

share_id plain csapi:UUID

The ID of the source share that was used for a snapshot.

name plain xsd:string

The snapshot name.

description plain xsd:string

The snapshot description.

created_at plain xsd:dateTime

The date and time stamp when the snapshot was created.

share_proto plain xsd:string

The file system protocol of a share snapshot. A valid value is NFS, CIFS, GlusterFS, or HDFS.

share_size plain xsd:int

The size of a source share, in GBs.

size plain xsd:int

The snapshot size, in GBs.

    "snapshot": {
        "display_name": "snapshot_Share1",
        "display_description": "I am changing a description also. Here is a snapshot of share Share1"
    "snapshot": {
        "status": "available",
        "share_id": "406ea93b-32e9-4907-a117-148b3945749f",
        "name": "snapshot_Share1",
        "links": [
                "href": "",
                "rel": "self"
                "href": "",
                "rel": "bookmark"
        "created_at": "2015-09-07T11:50:39.000000",
        "description": "I am changing a description also. Here is a snapshot of share Share1",
        "share_proto": "NFS",
        "share_size": 1,
        "id": "6d221c1d-0200-461e-8d20-24b4776b9ddb",
        "size": 1
Delete share snapshot

Deletes a specified share snapshot.

Normal response codes
Request parameters
Parameter Style Type Description
X-Openstack-Manila-Api-Version (Optional) header xsd:string

The HTTP header to specify a valid Shared File Systems API micro-version. For example, "X-Openstack-Manila-Api-Version: 2.6". If you omit this header, the default micro-version is 2.0.

tenant_id URI csapi:UUID

The tenant ID in a multi-tenancy cloud.

snapshot_id URI csapi:UUID

The ID of an existing snapshot.

This operation does not accept a request body and does not return a response body.

Reset share snapshot state

Administrator only. Explicitly updates the state of a specified share snapshot.


Use the policy.json file to grant permissions for this action to other roles.

Normal response codes
Request parameters
Parameter Style Type Description
X-Openstack-Manila-Api-Version (Optional) header xsd:string

The HTTP header to specify a valid Shared File Systems API micro-version. For example, "X-Openstack-Manila-Api-Version: 2.6". If you omit this header, the default micro-version is 2.0.

tenant_id URI csapi:UUID

The tenant ID in a multi-tenancy cloud.

snapshot_id URI csapi:UUID

The ID of an existing snapshot.

status (Optional) plain xsd:string

The snapshot status, which is available, error, creating, deleting, or error_deleting.

    "os-reset_status": {
        "status": "error"

This operation does not return a response body.

Force-delete share snapshot

Administrator only. Force-deletes a specified share snapshot in any state.


Use the policy.json file to grant permissions for this action to other roles.

Normal response codes
Request parameters
Parameter Style Type Description
X-Openstack-Manila-Api-Version (Optional) header xsd:string

The HTTP header to specify a valid Shared File Systems API micro-version. For example, "X-Openstack-Manila-Api-Version: 2.6". If you omit this header, the default micro-version is 2.0.

tenant_id URI csapi:UUID

The tenant ID in a multi-tenancy cloud.

snapshot_id URI csapi:UUID

The ID of an existing snapshot.

os-force_delete plain xsd:string

To force-delete a snapshot, set this value to null. The force-delete action, unlike the delete action, ignores the snapshot status.

    "os-force_delete": null

This operation does not return a response body.

Share networks

A share network stores network information that share servers can use where shares are hosted. You can associate a share with a single share network. When you create a share, you can optionally specify the ID of a share network through which instances can access the share.

You can create, update, view, and delete a share network.

When you create a share network, you can specify only one type of network:

  • Neutron network. Specify a network ID and subnet ID.

  • Nova network. Specify a network ID.

For more information about supported plug-ins for share networks, see Manila Network Plugins.

A share network has these attributes:

  • The IP block in Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) notation from which to allocate the network.

  • The IP version of the network.

  • The network type, which is vlan, vxlan, gre, flat, or local.

  • If the network uses segmentation, a segmentation identifier. For example, VLAN, VXLAN, and GRE networks use segmentation.

Create share network

Creates a share network.

Normal response codes
Request parameters
Parameter Style Type Description
X-Openstack-Manila-Api-Version (Optional) header xsd:string

The HTTP header to specify a valid Shared File Systems API micro-version. For example, "X-Openstack-Manila-Api-Version: 2.6". If you omit this header, the default micro-version is 2.0.

tenant_id URI csapi:UUID

The tenant ID in a multi-tenancy cloud.

neutron_net_id (Optional) plain csapi:UUID

The ID of the neutron network to set up for share servers. You can set up either a neutron network and subnet or a nova network.

neutron_subnet_id (Optional) plain csapi:UUID

The ID of the neutron subnet to set up for share servers. This subnet must be part of the specified neutron network. You can set up either a neutron network and subnet or a nova network.

nova_net_id (Optional) plain csapi:UUID

The ID of the nova network to set up for share servers. You can set up either a neutron network and subnet or a nova network.

name (Optional) plain xsd:string

The share network name.

description (Optional) plain xsd:string

The share network description.

Response parameters
Parameter Style Type Description
id plain csapi:UUID

The share network ID.

project_id plain csapi:UUID

The ID of the project in which the share network was created.

neutron_net_id plain csapi:UUID

The neutron network ID.

neutron_subnet_id plain csapi:UUID

The neutron subnet ID.

nova_net_id plain csapi:UUID

The nova network ID.

network_type plain xsd:string

The network type. A valid value is VLAN, VXLAN, GRE, flat, or local. This parameter is automatically set to a value determined by the network provider.

segmentation_id plain xsd:int

The segmentation ID. This parameter is automatically set to a value determined by the network provider.

For VLAN, this value is an integer from 1 to 4094.

For VXLAN, this value is an integer from 1 to 16777215.

For GRE, this value is an integer from 1 to 4294967295.

cidr plain xsd:string

The IP block from which to allocate the network, in CIDR notation. For example, or 2001:DB8::/64. This parameter is automatically set to a value determined by the network provider.

ip_version plain xsd:int

The IP version of the network. A valid value is 4 or 6. This parameter is automatically set to a value determined by the network provider.

name plain xsd:string

The share network name.

description plain xsd:string

The share network description.

created_at plain xsd:dateTime

The date and time stamp when the share network was created.

updated_at plain xsd:dateTime

The date and time stamp when the share network was updated.

    "share_network": {
        "neutron_net_id": "998b42ee-2cee-4d36-8b95-67b5ca1f2109",
        "neutron_subnet_id": "53482b62-2c84-4a53-b6ab-30d9d9800d06",
        "name": "my_network",
        "description": "This is my share network"
    "share_network": {
        "name": "my_network",
        "segmentation_id": null,
        "created_at": "2015-09-07T14:37:00.583656",
        "neutron_subnet_id": "53482b62-2c84-4a53-b6ab-30d9d9800d06",
        "updated_at": null,
        "id": "77eb3421-4549-4789-ac39-0d5185d68c29",
        "neutron_net_id": "998b42ee-2cee-4d36-8b95-67b5ca1f2109",
        "ip_version": null,
        "nova_net_id": null,
        "cidr": null,
        "project_id": "e10a683c20da41248cfd5e1ab3d88c62",
        "network_type": null,
        "description": "This is my share network"
List share networks

Lists all share networks.

Normal response codes
Request parameters
Parameter Style Type Description
X-Openstack-Manila-Api-Version (Optional) header xsd:string

The HTTP header to specify a valid Shared File Systems API micro-version. For example, "X-Openstack-Manila-Api-Version: 2.6". If you omit this header, the default micro-version is 2.0.

tenant_id URI csapi:UUID

The tenant ID in a multi-tenancy cloud.

Response parameters
Parameter Style Type Description
id plain csapi:UUID

The share network ID.

name plain xsd:string

The share network name.

    "share_networks": [
            "id": "32763294-e3d4-456a-998d-60047677c2fb",
            "name": "net_my1"
            "id": "713df749-aac0-4a54-af52-10f6c991e80c",
            "name": "net_my"
            "id": "fa158a3d-6d9f-4187-9ca5-abbb82646eb2",
            "name": null

This operation does not accept a request body.

List share networks with details

Lists all share networks with details.

Normal response codes
Request parameters
Parameter Style Type Description
X-Openstack-Manila-Api-Version (Optional) header xsd:string

The HTTP header to specify a valid Shared File Systems API micro-version. For example, "X-Openstack-Manila-Api-Version: 2.6". If you omit this header, the default micro-version is 2.0.

tenant_id URI csapi:UUID

The tenant ID in a multi-tenancy cloud.

Response parameters
Parameter Style Type Description
id plain csapi:UUID

The share network ID.

project_id plain csapi:UUID

The ID of the project in which the share network was created.

neutron_net_id plain csapi:UUID

The neutron network ID.

neutron_subnet_id plain csapi:UUID

The neutron subnet ID.

nova_net_id plain csapi:UUID

The nova network ID.

network_type plain xsd:string

The network type. A valid value is VLAN, VXLAN, GRE, flat, or local.

segmentation_id plain xsd:int

The segmentation ID.

cidr plain xsd:string


ip_version plain xsd:int

The IP version of the network. A valid value is 4 or 6.

name plain xsd:string

The share network name.

description plain xsd:string

The share network description.

created_at plain xsd:dateTime

The date and time stamp when the share network was created.

updated_at plain xsd:dateTime

The date and time stamp when the share network was updated.

    "share_networks": [
            "name": "net_my1",
            "segmentation_id": null,
            "created_at": "2015-09-04T14:57:13.000000",
            "neutron_subnet_id": "53482b62-2c84-4a53-b6ab-30d9d9800d06",
            "updated_at": null,
            "id": "32763294-e3d4-456a-998d-60047677c2fb",
            "neutron_net_id": "998b42ee-2cee-4d36-8b95-67b5ca1f2109",
            "ip_version": null,
            "nova_net_id": null,
            "cidr": null,
            "project_id": "16e1ab15c35a457e9c2b2aa189f544e1",
            "network_type": null,
            "description": "descr"
            "name": "net_my",
            "segmentation_id": null,
            "created_at": "2015-09-04T14:54:25.000000",
            "neutron_subnet_id": "53482b62-2c84-4a53-b6ab-30d9d9800d06",
            "updated_at": null,
            "id": "713df749-aac0-4a54-af52-10f6c991e80c",
            "neutron_net_id": "998b42ee-2cee-4d36-8b95-67b5ca1f2109",
            "ip_version": null,
            "nova_net_id": null,
            "cidr": null,
            "project_id": "16e1ab15c35a457e9c2b2aa189f544e1",
            "network_type": null,
            "description": "desecr"
            "name": null,
            "segmentation_id": null,
            "created_at": "2015-09-04T14:51:41.000000",
            "neutron_subnet_id": null,
            "updated_at": null,
            "id": "fa158a3d-6d9f-4187-9ca5-abbb82646eb2",
            "neutron_net_id": null,
            "ip_version": null,
            "nova_net_id": null,
            "cidr": null,
            "project_id": "16e1ab15c35a457e9c2b2aa189f544e1",
            "network_type": null,
            "description": null

This operation does not accept a request body.

Show share network

Shows information for a specified share network.

Normal response codes
Request parameters
Parameter Style Type Description
X-Openstack-Manila-Api-Version (Optional) header xsd:string

The HTTP header to specify a valid Shared File Systems API micro-version. For example, "X-Openstack-Manila-Api-Version: 2.6". If you omit this header, the default micro-version is 2.0.

tenant_id URI csapi:UUID

The tenant ID in a multi-tenancy cloud.

share_network_id URI csapi:UUID

The ID of an existing share network.

Response parameters
Parameter Style Type Description
id plain csapi:UUID

The share network ID.

project_id plain csapi:UUID

The ID of the project in which the share network was created.

neutron_net_id plain csapi:UUID

The neutron network ID.

neutron_subnet_id plain csapi:UUID

The neutron subnet ID.

nova_net_id plain csapi:UUID

The nova network ID.

network_type plain xsd:string

The network type. A valid value is VLAN, VXLAN, GRE, flat, or local.

segmentation_id plain xsd:int

The segmentation ID.

cidr plain xsd:string


ip_version plain xsd:int

The IP version of the network. A valid value is 4 or 6.

name plain xsd:string

The share network name.

description plain xsd:string

The share network description.

created_at plain xsd:dateTime

The date and time stamp when the share network was created.

updated_at plain xsd:dateTime

The date and time stamp when the share network was updated.

    "share_network": {
        "name": "net_my1",
        "segmentation_id": null,
        "created_at": "2015-09-04T14:56:45.000000",
        "neutron_subnet_id": "53482b62-2c84-4a53-b6ab-30d9d9800d06",
        "updated_at": null,
        "id": "7f950b52-6141-4a08-bbb5-bb7ffa3ea5fd",
        "neutron_net_id": "998b42ee-2cee-4d36-8b95-67b5ca1f2109",
        "ip_version": null,
        "nova_net_id": null,
        "cidr": null,
        "project_id": "16e1ab15c35a457e9c2b2aa189f544e1",
        "network_type": null,
        "description": "descr"

This operation does not accept a request body.

Update share network

Updates a specified share network.


Note that if specified share network is used by any share server, you can update only the name and description attributes.

Normal response codes
Request parameters
Parameter Style Type Description
X-Openstack-Manila-Api-Version (Optional) header xsd:string

The HTTP header to specify a valid Shared File Systems API micro-version. For example, "X-Openstack-Manila-Api-Version: 2.6". If you omit this header, the default micro-version is 2.0.

tenant_id URI csapi:UUID

The tenant ID in a multi-tenancy cloud.

share_network_id URI csapi:UUID

The ID of an existing share network.

name (Optional) plain xsd:string

The share network name.

description (Optional) plain xsd:string

The share network description.

Response parameters
Parameter Style Type Description
id plain csapi:UUID

The share network ID.

project_id plain csapi:UUID

The ID of the project in which the share network was created.

neutron_net_id plain csapi:UUID

The neutron network ID.

neutron_subnet_id plain csapi:UUID

The neutron subnet ID.

nova_net_id plain csapi:UUID

The nova network ID.

network_type plain xsd:string

The network type. A valid value is VLAN, VXLAN, GRE, flat, or local.

segmentation_id plain xsd:int

The segmentation ID.

cidr plain xsd:string


ip_version plain xsd:int

The IP version of the network. A valid value is 4 or 6.

name plain xsd:string

The share network name.

description plain xsd:string

The share network description.

created_at plain xsd:dateTime

The date and time stamp when the share network was created.

updated_at plain xsd:dateTime

The date and time stamp when the share network was updated.

    "share_network": {
        "description": "i'm adding a description"
    "share_network": {
        "name": "net_my",
        "segmentation_id": null,
        "created_at": "2015-09-04T14:54:25.000000",
        "neutron_subnet_id": "53482b62-2c84-4a53-b6ab-30d9d9800d06",
        "updated_at": "2015-09-07T08:02:53.512184",
        "id": "713df749-aac0-4a54-af52-10f6c991e80c",
        "neutron_net_id": "998b42ee-2cee-4d36-8b95-67b5ca1f2109",
        "ip_version": "4",
        "nova_net_id": null,
        "cidr": null,
        "project_id": "16e1ab15c35a457e9c2b2aa189f544e1",
        "network_type": null,
        "description": "i'm adding a description"
Delete share network

Deletes a specified share network.

Normal response codes
Request parameters
Parameter Style Type Description
X-Openstack-Manila-Api-Version (Optional) header xsd:string

The HTTP header to specify a valid Shared File Systems API micro-version. For example, "X-Openstack-Manila-Api-Version: 2.6". If you omit this header, the default micro-version is 2.0.

tenant_id URI csapi:UUID

The tenant ID in a multi-tenancy cloud.

share_network_id URI csapi:UUID

The ID of an existing share network.

This operation does not accept a request body and does not return a response body.

Add security service to share network

Add security service to a specified share network.

Normal response codes
Request parameters
Parameter Style Type Description
X-Openstack-Manila-Api-Version (Optional) header xsd:string

The HTTP header to specify a valid Shared File Systems API micro-version. For example, "X-Openstack-Manila-Api-Version: 2.6". If you omit this header, the default micro-version is 2.0.

tenant_id URI csapi:UUID

The tenant ID in a multi-tenancy cloud.

share_network_id URI csapi:UUID

The ID of an existing share network.

security_service_id plain csapi:UUID

The ID of the security service to add to the specified share network. For details, see the security service section.

Response parameters
Parameter Style Type Description
id plain csapi:UUID

The share network ID.

project_id plain csapi:UUID

The ID of the project in which the share network was created.

neutron_net_id plain csapi:UUID

The neutron network ID.

neutron_subnet_id plain csapi:UUID

The neutron subnet ID.

nova_net_id plain csapi:UUID

The nova network ID.

network_type plain xsd:string

The network type. A valid value is VLAN, VXLAN, GRE, flat, or local.

segmentation_id plain xsd:int

The segmentation ID.

cidr plain xsd:string


ip_version plain xsd:int

The IP version of the network. A valid value is 4 or 6.

name plain xsd:string

The share network name.

description plain xsd:string

The share network description.

created_at plain xsd:dateTime

The date and time stamp when the share network was created.

updated_at plain xsd:dateTime

The date and time stamp when the share network was updated.

    "add_security_service": {
        "security_service_id": "3c829734-0679-4c17-9637-801da48c0d5f"
    "share_network": {
        "name": "net2",
        "segmentation_id": null,
        "created_at": "2015-09-07T12:31:12.000000",
        "neutron_subnet_id": null,
        "updated_at": null,
        "id": "d8ae6799-2567-4a89-aafb-fa4424350d2b",
        "neutron_net_id": null,
        "ip_version": null,
        "nova_net_id": "998b42ee-2cee-4d36-8b95-67b5ca1f2109",
        "cidr": null,
        "project_id": "16e1ab15c35a457e9c2b2aa189f544e1",
        "network_type": null,
        "description": null
Remove security service from share network

Remove security service from a specified share network.

Normal response codes
Request parameters
Parameter Style Type Description
X-Openstack-Manila-Api-Version (Optional) header xsd:string

The HTTP header to specify a valid Shared File Systems API micro-version. For example, "X-Openstack-Manila-Api-Version: 2.6". If you omit this header, the default micro-version is 2.0.

tenant_id URI csapi:UUID

The tenant ID in a multi-tenancy cloud.

share_network_id URI csapi:UUID

The ID of an existing share network.

security_service_id plain csapi:UUID

The ID of the security service to remove from the specified share network. For details, see the security service section.

Response parameters
Parameter Style Type Description
id plain csapi:UUID

The share network ID.

project_id plain csapi:UUID

The ID of the project in which the share network was created.

neutron_net_id plain csapi:UUID

The neutron network ID.

neutron_subnet_id plain csapi:UUID

The neutron subnet ID.

nova_net_id plain csapi:UUID

The nova network ID.

network_type plain xsd:string

The network type. A valid value is VLAN, VXLAN, GRE, flat, or local.

segmentation_id plain xsd:int

The segmentation ID.

cidr plain xsd:string


ip_version plain xsd:int

The IP version of the network. A valid value is 4 or 6.

name plain xsd:string

The share network name.

description plain xsd:string

The share network description.

created_at plain xsd:dateTime

The date and time stamp when the share network was created.

updated_at plain xsd:dateTime

The date and time stamp when the share network was updated.

    "remove_security_service": {
        "security_service_id": "3c829734-0679-4c17-9637-801da48c0d5f"
    "share_network": {
        "name": "net2",
        "segmentation_id": null,
        "created_at": "2015-09-07T12:31:12.000000",
        "neutron_subnet_id": null,
        "updated_at": null,
        "id": "d8ae6799-2567-4a89-aafb-fa4424350d2b",
        "neutron_net_id": null,
        "ip_version": null,
        "nova_net_id": "998b42ee-2cee-4d36-8b95-67b5ca1f2109",
        "cidr": null,
        "project_id": "16e1ab15c35a457e9c2b2aa189f544e1",
        "network_type": null,
        "description": null

Security services

You can create, update, view, and delete a security service. A security service stores configuration information for clients for authentication and authorization (AuthN/AuthZ). For example, a share server will be the client for an existing service such as LDAP, Kerberos, or Microsoft Active Directory.

You can associate a share with from one to three security service types:

  • ldap. LDAP.

  • kerberos. Kerberos.

  • active_directory. Microsoft Active Directory.

You can configure a security service with these options:

  • A DNS IP address.

  • An IP address or host name.

  • A domain.

  • A user or group name.

  • The password for the user, if you specify a user name.

Create security service

Creates a security service.

Normal response codes
Request parameters
Parameter Style Type Description
X-Openstack-Manila-Api-Version (Optional) header xsd:string

The HTTP header to specify a valid Shared File Systems API micro-version. For example, "X-Openstack-Manila-Api-Version: 2.6". If you omit this header, the default micro-version is 2.0.

tenant_id URI csapi:UUID

The tenant ID in a multi-tenancy cloud.

type plain xsd:string

The security service type. A valid value is ldap, kerberos, or active_directory.

name (Optional) plain xsd:string

The security service name.

description (Optional) plain xsd:string

The security service description.

dns_ip (Optional) plain xsd:string

The DNS IP address that is used inside the tenant network.

user (Optional) plain xsd:string

The security service user or group name that is used by the tenant.

password (Optional) plain xsd:string

The user password, if you specify a user.

domain (Optional) plain xsd:string

The security service domain.

server (Optional) plain xsd:string

The security service host name or IP address.

Response parameters
Parameter Style Type Description
status plain xsd:string

The security service status.

id plain csapi:UUID

The security service ID.

project_id plain csapi:UUID

The ID of the project in which the security service was created.

type plain xsd:string

The security service type. A valid value is ldap, kerberos, or active_directory.

name plain xsd:string

The security service name.

description plain xsd:string

The security service description.

dns_ip plain xsd:string

The DNS IP address that is used inside the tenant network.

user plain xsd:string

The security service user or group name that is used by the tenant.

password plain xsd:string

The user password, if you specify a user.

domain plain xsd:string

The security service domain.

server plain xsd:string

The security service host name or IP address.

created_at plain xsd:dateTime

The date and time stamp when the security service was created.

updated_at plain xsd:dateTime

The date and time stamp when the security service was updated.

    "security_service": {
        "description": "Creating my first Security Service",
        "dns_ip": "",
        "user": "demo",
        "password": "***",
        "type": "kerberos",
        "name": "SecServ1"
    "security_service": {
        "status": "new",
        "domain": null,
        "project_id": "16e1ab15c35a457e9c2b2aa189f544e1",
        "name": "SecServ1",
        "created_at": "2015-09-07T12:19:10.695211",
        "updated_at": null,
        "server": null,
        "dns_ip": "",
        "user": "demo",
        "password": "supersecret",
        "type": "kerberos",
        "id": "3c829734-0679-4c17-9637-801da48c0d5f",
        "description": "Creating my first Security Service"
List security services

Lists all security services.

Normal response codes
Request parameters
Parameter Style Type Description
X-Openstack-Manila-Api-Version (Optional) header xsd:string

The HTTP header to specify a valid Shared File Systems API micro-version. For example, "X-Openstack-Manila-Api-Version: 2.6". If you omit this header, the default micro-version is 2.0.

tenant_id URI csapi:UUID

The tenant ID in a multi-tenancy cloud.

Response parameters
Parameter Style Type Description
status plain xsd:string

The security service status.

type plain xsd:string

The security service type. A valid value is ldap, kerberos, or active_directory.

id plain csapi:UUID

The security service ID.

name plain xsd:string

The security service name.

    "security_services": [
            "status": "new",
            "type": "kerberos",
            "id": "3c829734-0679-4c17-9637-801da48c0d5f",
            "name": "SecServ1"
            "status": "new",
            "type": "ldap",
            "id": "5a1d3a12-34a7-4087-8983-50e9ed03509a",
            "name": "SecServ2"

This operation does not accept a request body.

List security services with details

Lists all security services with details.

Normal response codes
Request parameters
Parameter Style Type Description
X-Openstack-Manila-Api-Version (Optional) header xsd:string

The HTTP header to specify a valid Shared File Systems API micro-version. For example, "X-Openstack-Manila-Api-Version: 2.6". If you omit this header, the default micro-version is 2.0.

tenant_id URI csapi:UUID

The tenant ID in a multi-tenancy cloud.

Response parameters
Parameter Style Type Description
status plain xsd:string

The security service status.

id plain csapi:UUID

The security service ID.

project_id plain csapi:UUID

The ID of the project in which the security service was created.

type plain xsd:string

The security service type. A valid value is ldap, kerberos, or active_directory.

name plain xsd:string

The security service name.

description plain xsd:string

The security service description.

dns_ip plain xsd:string

The DNS IP address that is used inside the tenant network.

user plain xsd:string

The security service user or group name that is used by the tenant.

password plain xsd:string

The user password, if you specify a user.

domain plain xsd:string

The security service domain.

server plain xsd:string

The security service host name or IP address.

created_at plain xsd:dateTime

The date and time stamp when the security service was created.

updated_at plain xsd:dateTime

The date and time stamp when the security service was updated.

    "security_services": [
            "status": "new",
            "domain": null,
            "project_id": "16e1ab15c35a457e9c2b2aa189f544e1",
            "name": "SecServ1",
            "created_at": "2015-09-07T12:19:10.000000",
            "description": "Creating my first Security Service",
            "updated_at": null,
            "server": null,
            "dns_ip": "",
            "user": "demo",
            "password": "supersecret",
            "type": "kerberos",
            "id": "3c829734-0679-4c17-9637-801da48c0d5f",
            "share_networks": []
            "status": "new",
            "domain": null,
            "project_id": "16e1ab15c35a457e9c2b2aa189f544e1",
            "name": "SecServ2",
            "created_at": "2015-09-07T12:25:03.000000",
            "description": "Creating my second Security Service",
            "updated_at": null,
            "server": null,
            "dns_ip": "",
            "user": null,
            "password": null,
            "type": "ldap",
            "id": "5a1d3a12-34a7-4087-8983-50e9ed03509a",
            "share_networks": []

This operation does not accept a request body.

Show security service

Shows information for a specified security service.

Normal response codes
Request parameters
Parameter Style Type Description
X-Openstack-Manila-Api-Version (Optional) header xsd:string

The HTTP header to specify a valid Shared File Systems API micro-version. For example, "X-Openstack-Manila-Api-Version: 2.6". If you omit this header, the default micro-version is 2.0.

tenant_id URI csapi:UUID

The tenant ID in a multi-tenancy cloud.

security_service_id URI csapi:UUID

The ID of an existing security service.

Response parameters
Parameter Style Type Description
status plain xsd:string

The security service status.

id plain csapi:UUID

The security service ID.

project_id plain csapi:UUID

The ID of the project in which the security service was created.

type plain xsd:string

The security service type. A valid value is ldap, kerberos, or active_directory.

name plain xsd:string

The security service name.

description plain xsd:string

The security service description.

dns_ip plain xsd:string

The DNS IP address that is used inside the tenant network.

user plain xsd:string

The security service user or group name that is used by the tenant.

password plain xsd:string

The user password, if you specify a user.

domain plain xsd:string

The security service domain.

server plain xsd:string

The security service host name or IP address.

created_at plain xsd:dateTime

The date and time stamp when the security service was created.

updated_at plain xsd:dateTime

The date and time stamp when the security service was updated.

    "security_service": {
        "status": "new",
        "domain": null,
        "project_id": "16e1ab15c35a457e9c2b2aa189f544e1",
        "name": "SecServ1",
        "created_at": "2015-09-07T12:19:10.000000",
        "updated_at": null,
        "server": null,
        "dns_ip": "",
        "user": "demo",
        "password": "supersecret",
        "type": "kerberos",
        "id": "3c829734-0679-4c17-9637-801da48c0d5f",
        "description": "Creating my first Security Service"

This operation does not accept a request body.

Update security service

Updates a specified security service.


If the security service is in active state, you can update only the name and description attributes. A security service in active state is attached to a share network with an associated share server.

Normal response codes
Request parameters
Parameter Style Type Description
X-Openstack-Manila-Api-Version (Optional) header xsd:string

The HTTP header to specify a valid Shared File Systems API micro-version. For example, "X-Openstack-Manila-Api-Version: 2.6". If you omit this header, the default micro-version is 2.0.

tenant_id URI csapi:UUID

The tenant ID in a multi-tenancy cloud.

security_service_id URI csapi:UUID

The ID of an existing security service.

type (Optional) plain xsd:string

The security service type. A valid value is ldap, kerberos, or active_directory.

name (Optional) plain xsd:string

The security service name. If you specify this value, the name is updated.

description (Optional) plain xsd:string

The security service description. If you specify this value, the description is updated.

dns_ip (Optional) plain xsd:string

The DNS IP address that is used inside the tenant network.

user (Optional) plain xsd:string

The security service user or group name that is used by the tenant.

password (Optional) plain xsd:string

The user password, if you specify a user.

domain (Optional) plain xsd:string

The security service domain.

server (Optional) plain xsd:string

The security service host name or IP address.

Response parameters
Parameter Style Type Description
status plain xsd:string

The security service status.

id plain csapi:UUID

The security service ID.

project_id plain csapi:UUID

The ID of the project in which the security service was created.

type plain xsd:string

The security service type. A valid value is ldap, kerberos, or active_directory.

name plain xsd:string

The security service name.

description plain xsd:string

The security service description.

dns_ip plain xsd:string

The DNS IP address that is used inside the tenant network.

user plain xsd:string

The security service user or group name that is used by the tenant.

password plain xsd:string

The user password, if you specify a user.

domain plain xsd:string

The security service domain.

server plain xsd:string

The security service host name or IP address.

created_at plain xsd:dateTime

The date and time stamp when the security service was created.

updated_at plain xsd:dateTime

The date and time stamp when the security service was updated.

    "security_service": {
        "domain": "my_domain",
        "password": "***",
        "user": "new_user",
        "description": "Adding a description"
    "security_service": {
        "status": "new",
        "domain": "my_domain",
        "project_id": "16e1ab15c35a457e9c2b2aa189f544e1",
        "name": "SecServ1",
        "created_at": "2015-09-07T12:19:10.000000",
        "updated_at": "2015-09-07T12:47:21.858737",
        "server": null,
        "dns_ip": "",
        "user": "new_user",
        "password": "pass",
        "type": "kerberos",
        "id": "3c829734-0679-4c17-9637-801da48c0d5f",
        "description": "Adding a description"
Delete security service

Deletes a specified security service.

Normal response codes
Request parameters
Parameter Style Type Description
X-Openstack-Manila-Api-Version (Optional) header xsd:string

The HTTP header to specify a valid Shared File Systems API micro-version. For example, "X-Openstack-Manila-Api-Version: 2.6". If you omit this header, the default micro-version is 2.0.

tenant_id URI csapi:UUID

The tenant ID in a multi-tenancy cloud.

security_service_id URI csapi:UUID

The ID of an existing security service.

This operation does not accept a request body and does not return a response body.

Share servers

A share server is created by multi-tenant back-end drivers where shares are hosted. For example, with the generic driver, shares are hosted on Compute VMs. With the cluster_mode driver from NetApp, shares are hosted on virtual storage servers, also known as Vservers or SVMs.

Administrators can perform read and delete actions for share servers. An administrator can delete an active share server only if it contains no dependent shares.

An administrator can use the policy.json file to grant permissions for share server actions to other roles.

The status of a share server indicates its current state. After you successfully set up a share server, its status is active. If errors occur during set up such as when server data is not valid, its status is error.

The possible share servers statuses are:

Share statuses
Status Description


Share server was successfully set up.


The set up or deletion of the share server failed.


The share server has no dependent shares and is being deleted.


The share server is being created on the back end with data from the database.

List share servers

Lists all share servers.

Normal response codes
Request parameters
Parameter Style Type Description
X-Openstack-Manila-Api-Version (Optional) header xsd:string

The HTTP header to specify a valid Shared File Systems API micro-version. For example, "X-Openstack-Manila-Api-Version: 2.6". If you omit this header, the default micro-version is 2.0.

tenant_id URI csapi:UUID

The tenant ID in a multi-tenancy cloud.

Response parameters
Parameter Style Type Description
id plain csapi:UUID

The share server ID.

project_id plain csapi:UUID

The project ID.

status plain xsd:string

The share server status, which is active, error, creating , or deleting.

share_network_id plain csapi:UUID

The ID of a share network that is associated with the share server.

share_network_name plain xsd:string

The name of a share network that is associated with the share server.

host plain xsd:string

The share server host name or IP address.

updated_at plain xsd:dateTime

The date and time stamp when the share server was updated.

    "share_servers": [
            "status": "active",
            "updated_at": "2015-09-07T08:52:15.000000",
            "share_network_id": "713df749-aac0-4a54-af52-10f6c991e80c",
            "host": "manila2@generic1",
            "share_network_name": "net_my",
            "project_id": "16e1ab15c35a457e9c2b2aa189f544e1",
            "id": "ba11930a-bf1a-4aa7-bae4-a8dfbaa3cc73"

This operation does not accept a request body.

Show share server

Shows information for a specified share server.

Normal response codes
Request parameters
Parameter Style Type Description
X-Openstack-Manila-Api-Version (Optional) header xsd:string

The HTTP header to specify a valid Shared File Systems API micro-version. For example, "X-Openstack-Manila-Api-Version: 2.6". If you omit this header, the default micro-version is 2.0.

tenant_id URI csapi:UUID

The tenant ID in a multi-tenancy cloud.

share_server_id URI csapi:UUID

The ID of an existing share server.

Response parameters
Parameter Style Type Description
id plain csapi:UUID

The share server ID.

project_id plain csapi:UUID

The project ID.

status plain xsd:string

The share server status, which is is active, error, creating, or deleting.

backend_details plain xsd:string

The back-end details for a server. Each back end can store any key-value information that it requires. For example, the generic back-end driver might store the router ID.

share_network_id plain csapi:UUID

The ID of a share network that is associated with the share server.

share_network_name plain xsd:string

The name of a share network that is associated with the share server.

host plain xsd:string

The share server host name or IP address.

created_at plain xsd:dateTime

The date and time stamp when the share server was created.

updated_at plain xsd:dateTime

The date and time stamp when the share server was updated.

    "share_server": {
        "status": "active",
        "backend_details": {
            "username": "manila",
            "router_id": "4b62ce91-56c5-45c1-b0ef-8cbbe5dd34f4",
            "pk_path": "/opt/stack/.ssh/id_rsa",
            "subnet_id": "16e99ad6-5191-461c-9f34-ac84a39c3adb",
            "ip": "",
            "instance_id": "75f2f282-af65-49ba-a7b1-525705b1bf1a",
            "public_address": "",
            "service_port_id": "8ff21760-961e-4b83-a032-03fd559bb1d3"
        "created_at": "2015-09-07T08:37:19.000000",
        "updated_at": "2015-09-07T08:52:15.000000",
        "share_network_name": "net_my",
        "host": "manila2@generic1",
        "share_network_id": "713df749-aac0-4a54-af52-10f6c991e80c",
        "project_id": "16e1ab15c35a457e9c2b2aa189f544e1",
        "id": "ba11930a-bf1a-4aa7-bae4-a8dfbaa3cc73"

This operation does not accept a request body.

Show share server details

Shows the details for a specified share server.

Normal response codes
Request parameters
Parameter Style Type Description
X-Openstack-Manila-Api-Version (Optional) header xsd:string

The HTTP header to specify a valid Shared File Systems API micro-version. For example, "X-Openstack-Manila-Api-Version: 2.6". If you omit this header, the default micro-version is 2.0.

tenant_id URI csapi:UUID

The tenant ID in a multi-tenancy cloud.

share_server_id URI csapi:UUID

The ID of an existing share server.

Response parameters
Parameter Style Type Description
backend_details plain xsd:string

The back-end details for a server. Each back end can store any key-value information that it requires. For example, the generic back-end driver might store the router ID.

    "details": {
        "username": "manila",
        "router_id": "4b62ce91-56c5-45c1-b0ef-8cbbe5dd34f4",
        "pk_path": "/opt/stack/.ssh/id_rsa",
        "subnet_id": "16e99ad6-5191-461c-9f34-ac84a39c3adb",
        "ip": "",
        "instance_id": "75f2f282-af65-49ba-a7b1-525705b1bf1a",
        "public_address": "",
        "service_port_id": "8ff21760-961e-4b83-a032-03fd559bb1d3"

This operation does not accept a request body.

Share instances (since API v2.3)

Administrators can list, show information for, explicitly set the state of, and force-delete share instances. Use the policy.json file to grant permissions for these actions to other roles.

List share instances

Lists all share instances.

Normal response codes
Request parameters
Parameter Style Type Description
X-Openstack-Manila-Api-Version (Optional) header xsd:string

The HTTP header to specify a valid Shared File Systems API micro-version. For example, "X-Openstack-Manila-Api-Version: 2.6". If you omit this header, the default micro-version is 2.0.

tenant_id URI csapi:UUID

The tenant ID in a multi-tenancy cloud.

Response parameters
Parameter Style Type Description
status plain xsd:string

The share instance status. A valid value is available, error, creating, deleting, and error_deleting.

share_id plain csapi:UUID

The ID of the share from which the share instance was created.

availability_zone plain xsd:string

The availability zone.

created_at plain xsd:dateTime

The date and time stamp when the share instance was created.

export_location plain xsd:string

The share instance export location.

export_locations plain xsd:list

A list of share instance export locations.

share_network_id plain csapi:UUID

The share network ID.

share_server_id plain csapi:UUID

The ID of the share server.

host plain xsd:string

The share instance host name.

id plain csapi:UUID

The share instance ID.

    "share_instances": [
            "status": "error",
            "share_id": "406ea93b-32e9-4907-a117-148b3945749f",
            "availability_zone": "nova",
            "created_at": "2015-09-07T08:41:20.000000",
            "export_location": "",
            "share_network_id": "713df749-aac0-4a54-af52-10f6c991e80c",
            "export_locations": [
            "share_server_id": "ba11930a-bf1a-4aa7-bae4-a8dfbaa3cc73",
            "host": "manila2@generic1#GENERIC1",
            "id": "081f7030-c54f-42f5-98ee-93a37393e0f2"
            "status": "available",
            "share_id": "d94a8548-2079-4be0-b21c-0a887acd31ca",
            "availability_zone": "nova",
            "created_at": "2015-09-07T08:51:34.000000",
            "export_location": "",
            "share_network_id": "713df749-aac0-4a54-af52-10f6c991e80c",
            "export_locations": [
            "share_server_id": "ba11930a-bf1a-4aa7-bae4-a8dfbaa3cc73",
            "host": "manila2@generic1#GENERIC1",
            "id": "75559a8b-c90c-42a7-bda2-edbe86acfb7b"

This operation does not accept a request body.

Show share instance

Shows information about a specified share instance.

Normal response codes
Request parameters
Parameter Style Type Description
X-Openstack-Manila-Api-Version (Optional) header xsd:string

The HTTP header to specify a valid Shared File Systems API micro-version. For example, "X-Openstack-Manila-Api-Version: 2.6". If you omit this header, the default micro-version is 2.0.

tenant_id URI csapi:UUID

The tenant ID in a multi-tenancy cloud.

share_instance_id URI csapi:UUID

The ID of an existing share instance.

Response parameters
Parameter Style Type Description
status plain xsd:string

The share instance status. A valid value is available, error, creating, deleting, and error_deleting.

share_id plain csapi:UUID

The ID of the share from which the share instance was created.

availability_zone plain xsd:string

The availability zone.

created_at plain xsd:dateTime

The date and time stamp when the share instance was created.

export_location plain xsd:string

The share instance export location.

export_locations plain xsd:list

A list of share instance export locations.

share_network_id plain csapi:UUID

The share network ID.

share_server_id plain csapi:UUID

The ID of the share server.

host plain xsd:string

The share instance host name.

id plain csapi:UUID

The share instance ID.

    "share_instance": {
        "status": "available",
        "share_id": "d94a8548-2079-4be0-b21c-0a887acd31ca",
        "availability_zone": "nova",
        "created_at": "2015-09-07T08:51:34.000000",
        "export_location": "",
        "share_network_id": "713df749-aac0-4a54-af52-10f6c991e80c",
        "export_locations": [
        "share_server_id": "ba11930a-bf1a-4aa7-bae4-a8dfbaa3cc73",
        "host": "manila2@generic1#GENERIC1",
        "id": "75559a8b-c90c-42a7-bda2-edbe86acfb7b"

This operation does not accept a request body.

Reset share instance state

Administrator only. Explicitly updates the state of a specified share instance.


Use the policy.json file to grant permissions for this action to other roles.

Normal response codes
Request parameters
Parameter Style Type Description
X-Openstack-Manila-Api-Version (Optional) header xsd:string

The HTTP header to specify a valid Shared File Systems API micro-version. For example, "X-Openstack-Manila-Api-Version: 2.6". If you omit this header, the default micro-version is 2.0.

tenant_id URI csapi:UUID

The tenant ID in a multi-tenancy cloud.

share_instance_id URI csapi:UUID

The ID of an existing share instance.

status plain xsd:string

The share instance status. A valid value is available, error, creating, deleting, and error_deleting.

    "os-reset_status": {
        "status": "available"

This operation does not return a response body.

Force-delete share instance

Administrator only. Force-deletes a specified share instance.


Use the policy.json file to grant permissions for this action to other roles.

Normal response codes
Request parameters
Parameter Style Type Description
X-Openstack-Manila-Api-Version (Optional) header xsd:string

The HTTP header to specify a valid Shared File Systems API micro-version. For example, "X-Openstack-Manila-Api-Version: 2.6". If you omit this header, the default micro-version is 2.0.

tenant_id URI csapi:UUID

The tenant ID in a multi-tenancy cloud.

share_instance_id URI csapi:UUID

The ID of an existing share instance.

os-force_delete plain xsd:string

To force-delete a share instance, set this value to null. The force-delete action, unlike the delete action, ignores the share instance status.

    "os-force_delete": null

This operation does not return a response body.

Share types

A share type enables you to filter or choose back ends before you create a share. A share type behaves in the same way as a Block Storage volume type behaves.

You set a share type to private or public and manage the access to the private share types.

When you issue a create a share type request, you can submit a request body with either a share_type or volume_type object. The use of the volume_type object is deprecated but supported. It is recommended that you use the share_type object when you create a share type.

No matter which object type you include in the request, the API creates both a volume_type object and a share_type object. Both objects have the same ID. When you issue a list share types request, the response shows both share_types and volume_types objects.

You can set share types as either public or private. By default a share type is created as publicly accessible. Set os-share-type-access:is_public to False to make the share type private.

You can manage the access to the private share types for the different projects. You can add access, remove access, and get information about access for a specified private share type.

Administrators can create share types with these extra specifications that are used to filter back ends:

  • driver_handles_share_servers. Required. Defines the driver mode for share server, or storage, life cycle management. The Shared File Systems service creates a share server for the export of shares.

    Set to True when the share driver manages, or handles, the share server life cycle.

    Set to False when an administrator rather than a share driver manages the storage life cycle.

  • snapshot_support. Filters back ends by whether they do or do not support share snapshots.

    Set to True to find back ends that support share snapshots.

    Set to False to find back ends that do not support share snapshots.

Administrators can also set additional extra specifications for a share type for the following purposes:

  • Filter back ends. Specify these unqualified extra specifications in this format: extra_spec=value. For example, netapp_raid_type=raid4.

  • Set data for the driver. Except for the special capabilities prefix, you specify these qualified extra specifications with its prefix followed by a colon: vendor:extra_spec=value. For example, netapp:thin_provisioned=true.

The scheduler uses the special capabilities prefix for filtering. The scheduler can only create a share on a back end that reports capabilities that match the un-scoped extra-spec keys for the share type. For details, see Capabilities and Extra-Specs.

Each driver implementation determines which extra specification keys it uses. For details, see the documentation for the driver.

An administrator can use the policy.json file to grant permissions for share type creation with extra specifications to other roles.

Create share type

Creates a share type.

Normal response codes
Request parameters
Parameter Style Type Description
X-Openstack-Manila-Api-Version (Optional) header xsd:string

The HTTP header to specify a valid Shared File Systems API micro-version. For example, "X-Openstack-Manila-Api-Version: 2.6". If you omit this header, the default micro-version is 2.0.

tenant_id URI csapi:UUID

The tenant ID in a multi-tenancy cloud.

extra_specs plain xsd:string

Extra specifications for the share type.

driver_handles_share_servers plain xsd:bool

An extra specification that defines the driver mode for share server, or storage, life cycle management. The Shared File Systems service creates a share server for the export of shares.

Set to true when the share driver manages, or handles, the share server life cycle.

Set to false when an administrator rather than a share driver manages the storage life cycle.

snapshot_support (Optional) plain xsd:bool

An extra specification that filters back ends by whether they do or do not support share snapshots.

Set to true to show back ends that support share snapshots.

Set to false to show back ends that do not support share snapshots.

Default is true.

os-share-type-access:is_public (Optional) plain xsd:bool

Indicates whether a share type is publicly accessible. Default is true, or publicly accessible.

name plain xsd:string

The share type name.

Response parameters
Parameter Style Type Description
id plain csapi:UUID

The share type ID.

required_extra_specs plain xsd:string

The required extra specifications for the share type.

extra_specs plain xsd:string

The extra specifications for the share type.

driver_handles_share_servers plain xsd:bool

An extra specification that defines the driver mode for share server, or storage, life cycle management. The Shared File Systems service creates a share server for the export of shares.

This value is true when the share driver manages, or handles, the share server life cycle.

This value is false when an administrator rather than a share driver manages the storage life cycle.

snapshot_support (Optional) plain xsd:bool

An extra specification that filters back ends by whether they do or do not support share snapshots.

os-share-type-access:is_public (Optional) plain xsd:bool

Indicates whether a share type is publicly accessible. Default is true, or publicly accessible.

name plain xsd:string

The share type name.

    "volume_type": {
        "os-share-type-access:is_public": true,
        "extra_specs": {
            "driver_handles_share_servers": true,
            "snapshot_support": true
        "name": "my_new_volume_type"
    "volume_type": {
        "os-share-type-access:is_public": true,
        "required_extra_specs": {
            "driver_handles_share_servers": true
        "extra_specs": {
            "snapshot_support": "True",
            "driver_handles_share_servers": "True"
        "name": "my_new_volume_type",
        "id": "1d600d02-26a7-4b23-af3d-7d51860fe858"
    "share_type": {
        "os-share-type-access:is_public": true,
        "required_extra_specs": {
            "driver_handles_share_servers": true
        "extra_specs": {
            "snapshot_support": "True",
            "driver_handles_share_servers": "True"
        "name": "my_new_volume_type",
        "id": "1d600d02-26a7-4b23-af3d-7d51860fe858"
List share types

Lists all share types.

Normal response codes
Request parameters
Parameter Style Type Description
X-Openstack-Manila-Api-Version (Optional) header xsd:string

The HTTP header to specify a valid Shared File Systems API micro-version. For example, "X-Openstack-Manila-Api-Version: 2.6". If you omit this header, the default micro-version is 2.0.

tenant_id URI csapi:UUID

The tenant ID in a multi-tenancy cloud.

Response parameters
Parameter Style Type Description
id plain csapi:UUID

The share type ID.

required_extra_specs plain xsd:string

The required extra specifications for the share type.

extra_specs plain xsd:string

The extra specifications for the share type.

driver_handles_share_servers plain xsd:bool

An extra specification that defines the driver mode for share server, or storage, life cycle management. The Shared File Systems service creates a share server for the export of shares.

This value is true when the share driver manages, or handles, the share server life cycle.

This value is false when an administrator rather than a share driver manages the storage life cycle.

snapshot_support (Optional) plain xsd:bool

An extra specification that filters back ends by whether they do or do not support share snapshots.

os-share-type-access:is_public (Optional) plain xsd:bool

Indicates whether a share type is publicly accessible. Default is true, or publicly accessible.

name plain xsd:string

The share type name.

    "volume_types": [
            "os-share-type-access:is_public": true,
            "required_extra_specs": {
                "driver_handles_share_servers": "True"
            "extra_specs": {
                "snapshot_support": "True",
                "driver_handles_share_servers": "True"
            "name": "default",
            "id": "be27425c-f807-4500-a056-d00721db45cf"
            "os-share-type-access:is_public": true,
            "required_extra_specs": {
                "driver_handles_share_servers": "false"
            "extra_specs": {
                "snapshot_support": "True",
                "driver_handles_share_servers": "false"
            "name": "d",
            "id": "f015bebe-c38b-4c49-8832-00143b10253b"
    "share_types": [
            "os-share-type-access:is_public": true,
            "required_extra_specs": {
                "driver_handles_share_servers": "True"
            "extra_specs": {
                "snapshot_support": "True",
                "driver_handles_share_servers": "True"
            "name": "default",
            "id": "be27425c-f807-4500-a056-d00721db45cf"
            "os-share-type-access:is_public": true,
            "required_extra_specs": {
                "driver_handles_share_servers": "false"
            "extra_specs": {
                "snapshot_support": "True",
                "driver_handles_share_servers": "false"
            "name": "d",
            "id": "f015bebe-c38b-4c49-8832-00143b10253b"

This operation does not accept a request body.

List default share types

Lists default share types.

Normal response codes
Request parameters
Parameter Style Type Description
X-Openstack-Manila-Api-Version (Optional) header xsd:string

The HTTP header to specify a valid Shared File Systems API micro-version. For example, "X-Openstack-Manila-Api-Version: 2.6". If you omit this header, the default micro-version is 2.0.

tenant_id URI csapi:UUID

The tenant ID in a multi-tenancy cloud.

Response parameters
Parameter Style Type Description
id plain csapi:UUID

The share type ID.

required_extra_specs plain xsd:string

The required extra specifications for the share type.

extra_specs plain xsd:string

The extra specifications for the share type.

driver_handles_share_servers plain xsd:bool

An extra specification that defines the driver mode for share server, or storage, life cycle management. The Shared File Systems service creates a share server for the export of shares.

This value is true when the share driver manages, or handles, the share server life cycle.

This value is false when an administrator rather than a share driver manages the storage life cycle.

snapshot_support (Optional) plain xsd:bool

An extra specification that filters back ends by whether they do or do not support share snapshots.

os-share-type-access:is_public (Optional) plain xsd:bool

Indicates whether a share type is publicly accessible. Default is true, or publicly accessible.

name plain xsd:string

The share type name.

    "volume_type": {
        "required_extra_specs": null,
        "extra_specs": {
            "snapshot_support": "True",
            "driver_handles_share_servers": "True"
        "name": "default",
        "id": "be27425c-f807-4500-a056-d00721db45cf"
    "share_type": {
        "required_extra_specs": null,
        "extra_specs": {
            "snapshot_support": "True",
            "driver_handles_share_servers": "True"
        "name": "default",
        "id": "be27425c-f807-4500-a056-d00721db45cf"

This operation does not accept a request body.

Delete share type

Deletes a specified share type.

Normal response codes
Request parameters
Parameter Style Type Description
X-Openstack-Manila-Api-Version (Optional) header xsd:string

The HTTP header to specify a valid Shared File Systems API micro-version. For example, "X-Openstack-Manila-Api-Version: 2.6". If you omit this header, the default micro-version is 2.0.

tenant_id URI csapi:UUID

The tenant ID in a multi-tenancy cloud.

share_type_id URI csapi:UUID

The ID of an existing share type.

This operation does not accept a request body and does not return a response body.

Add share type access

Adds share type access for a specified project.


You can add access to private share types only.

Normal response codes
Request parameters
Parameter Style Type Description
X-Openstack-Manila-Api-Version (Optional) header xsd:string

The HTTP header to specify a valid Shared File Systems API micro-version. For example, "X-Openstack-Manila-Api-Version: 2.6". If you omit this header, the default micro-version is 2.0.

tenant_id URI csapi:UUID

The tenant ID in a multi-tenancy cloud.

share_type_id URI csapi:UUID

The ID of an existing share type.

project plain csapi:UUID

The ID of the project to which access to the share type will be granted.

    "addProjectAccess": {
        "project": "e1284adea3ee4d2482af5ed214f3ad90"

This operation does not return a response body.

Remove share type access

Removes share type access from a specified project.


You can remove access from private share types only.

Normal response codes
Request parameters
Parameter Style Type Description
X-Openstack-Manila-Api-Version (Optional) header xsd:string

The HTTP header to specify a valid Shared File Systems API micro-version. For example, "X-Openstack-Manila-Api-Version: 2.6". If you omit this header, the default micro-version is 2.0.

tenant_id URI csapi:UUID

The tenant ID in a multi-tenancy cloud.

share_type_id URI csapi:UUID

The ID of an existing share type.

project plain csapi:UUID

The ID of the project for which access to the share type will be denied.

    "removeProjectAccess": {
        "project": "818a3f48dcd644909b3fa2e45a399a27"

This operation does not return a response body.

Show share type access

Shows access information for a specified share type.


You can view access information for private share types only.

Normal response codes
Request parameters
Parameter Style Type Description
X-Openstack-Manila-Api-Version (Optional) header xsd:string

The HTTP header to specify a valid Shared File Systems API micro-version. For example, "X-Openstack-Manila-Api-Version: 2.6". If you omit this header, the default micro-version is 2.0.

tenant_id URI csapi:UUID

The tenant ID in a multi-tenancy cloud.

share_type_id URI csapi:UUID

The ID of an existing share type.

Response parameters
Parameter Style Type Description
share_type_id plain csapi:UUID

The ID of the share type to which you granted access.

project_id plain csapi:UUID

The ID of the project for which access to the share type is granted.

    "share_type_access": [
            "share_type_id": "1732f284-401d-41d9-a494-425451e8b4b8",
            "project_id": "818a3f48dcd644909b3fa2e45a399a27"
            "share_type_id": "1732f284-401d-41d9-a494-425451e8b4b8",
            "project_id": "e1284adea3ee4d2482af5ed214f3ad90"

This operation does not accept a request body.

List extra specs

Lists the extra specifications for the specified share type.

Normal response codes
Request parameters
Parameter Style Type Description
X-Openstack-Manila-Api-Version (Optional) header xsd:string

The HTTP header to specify a valid Shared File Systems API micro-version. For example, "X-Openstack-Manila-Api-Version: 2.6". If you omit this header, the default micro-version is 2.0.

tenant_id URI csapi:UUID

The tenant ID in a multi-tenancy cloud.

share_type_id URI csapi:UUID

The ID of an existing share type.

Response parameters
Parameter Style Type Description
extra_specs plain xsd:string

The extra specifications for the share type.

driver_handles_share_servers plain xsd:bool

An extra specification that defines the driver mode for share server, or storage, life cycle management. The Shared File Systems service creates a share server for the export of shares.

This value is true when the share driver manages, or handles, the share server life cycle.

This value is false when an administrator rather than a share driver manages the storage life cycle.

snapshot_support (Optional) plain xsd:bool

An extra specification that filters back ends by whether they do or do not support share snapshots.

    "extra_specs": {
        "snapshot_support": "True",
        "driver_handles_share_servers": "True"

This operation does not accept a request body.

Set extra spec

Sets an extra specification of the share type.


It is up to each driver implementation what extra specification keys to use. For details, see Capabilities and Extra-Specs and documentation for a specified driver.

Normal response codes
Request parameters
Parameter Style Type Description
X-Openstack-Manila-Api-Version (Optional) header xsd:string

The HTTP header to specify a valid Shared File Systems API micro-version. For example, "X-Openstack-Manila-Api-Version: 2.6". If you omit this header, the default micro-version is 2.0.

tenant_id URI csapi:UUID

The tenant ID in a multi-tenancy cloud.

share_type_id URI csapi:UUID

The ID of an existing share type.

extra_specs plain xsd:string

Extra specifications for the share type.

Response parameters
Parameter Style Type Description
extra_specs plain xsd:string

Extra specifications for the share type.

    "extra_specs": {
        "my_key": "my_value"
    "extra_specs": {
        "my_key": "my_value"
Unset a specified extra spec

Unsets an extra specification of the share type.

Normal response codes
Request parameters
Parameter Style Type Description
X-Openstack-Manila-Api-Version (Optional) header xsd:string

The HTTP header to specify a valid Shared File Systems API micro-version. For example, "X-Openstack-Manila-Api-Version: 2.6". If you omit this header, the default micro-version is 2.0.

tenant_id URI csapi:UUID

The tenant ID in a multi-tenancy cloud.

share_type_id URI csapi:UUID

The ID of an existing share type.

extra-spec-key URI csapi:string

The extra specification key.

This operation does not accept a request body and does not return a response body.

Back-end storage pools

An administrator can list all back-end storage pools that are known to the scheduler service.

List back-end storage pools

Lists all back-end storage pools.

Normal response codes
Request parameters
Parameter Style Type Description
X-Openstack-Manila-Api-Version (Optional) header xsd:string

The HTTP header to specify a valid Shared File Systems API micro-version. For example, "X-Openstack-Manila-Api-Version: 2.6". If you omit this header, the default micro-version is 2.0.

tenant_id URI csapi:UUID

The tenant ID in a multi-tenancy cloud.

Response parameters
Parameter Style Type Description
backend plain xsd:string

The name of the back end.

host plain xsd:string

The host name for the back end.

pool plain xsd:string

The pool name for the back end.

name plain xsd:string

The name of the back end in this format: host@backend#POOL.

  • host. The host name for the back end.

  • backend. The name of the back end.

  • POOL. The pool name for the back end.

    "pools": [
            "host": "manila2",
            "name": "manila2@generic1#GENERIC1",
            "pool": "GENERIC1",
            "backend": "generic1"
            "host": "manila2",
            "name": "manila2@unmanage1#UNMANAGE1",
            "pool": "UNMANAGE1",
            "backend": "unmanage1"
            "host": "manila2",
            "name": "manila2@ams_backend#AMS_BACKEND",
            "pool": "AMS_BACKEND",
            "backend": "ams_backend"

This operation does not accept a request body.

List back-end storage pools with details

Lists all storage pools for the specified back end, with details.

Normal response codes
Request parameters
Parameter Style Type Description
X-Openstack-Manila-Api-Version (Optional) header xsd:string

The HTTP header to specify a valid Shared File Systems API micro-version. For example, "X-Openstack-Manila-Api-Version: 2.6". If you omit this header, the default micro-version is 2.0.

tenant_id URI csapi:UUID

The tenant ID in a multi-tenancy cloud.

Response parameters
Parameter Style Type Description
backend plain xsd:string

The name of the back end.

host plain xsd:string

The host name for the back end.

pool plain xsd:string

The pool name for the back end.

name plain xsd:string

The name of the back end in this format: host@backend#POOL.

  • host. The host name for the back end.

  • backend. The name of the back end.

  • POOL. The pool name for the back end.

capabilities plain xsd:string

The capabilities for the storage back end.

QoS_support plain xsd:bool

The quality of service (QoS) support.

consistency_group_support plain xsd:string

(Since API v2.4.) The consistency group support.

A valid value is:

  • pool or host. Consistency groups are supported. Specifies the level of consistency groups support.

  • false. Consistency groups are not supported.

timestamp plain xsd:dateTime

The date and time stamp when the API request was issued.

share_backend_name plain xsd:string

The name of the share back end.

server_pools_mapping plain xsd:string

The mapping between servers and pools.

driver_handles_share_servers plain xsd:bool

An extra specification that defines the driver mode for share server, or storage, life cycle management. The Shared File Systems service creates a share server for the export of shares.

This value is true when the share driver manages, or handles, the share server life cycle.

This value is false when an administrator rather than a share driver manages the storage life cycle.

driver_version plain xsd:string

The driver version.

total_capacity_gb plain xsd:string

The total capacity for the back end, in GBs. A valid value is a string, such as unknown, or an integer.

free_capacity_gb plain xsd:string

The amount of free capacity for the back end, in GBs. A valid value is a string, such as unknown, or an integer.

reserved_percentage plain xsd:int

The percentage of the total capacity that is reserved for the internal use by the back end.

pools plain xsd:string

The pools for the back end. This value is either null or a string value that indicates the capabilities for each pool. For example, pool_name, total_capacity_gb, QoS_support, and so on.

vendor_name plain xsd:string

The name of the vendor for the back end.

snapshot_support plain xsd:bool

The specification that filters back ends by whether they do or do not support share snapshots.

storage_protocol plain xsd:bool

The storage protocol for the back end. For example, NFS_CIFS, glusterfs, HDFS, and so on.

    "pools": [
            "pool": "LONDON",
            "host": "nosb-devstack",
            "name": "nosb-devstack@london#LONDON",
            "capabilities": {
                "QoS_support": false,
                "consistency_group_support": "pool",
                "timestamp": "2015-09-21T08:58:56.190856",
                "share_backend_name": "LONDON",
                "server_pools_mapping": {
                    "1320689d-80f4-49f6-8a70-0e2c1ed8ad90": [],
                    "3a4caac5-0880-4629-a334-6cdda88a0c0e": []
                "driver_handles_share_servers": true,
                "driver_version": "1.0",
                "total_capacity_gb": "unknown",
                "reserved_percentage": 0,
                "pools": null,
                "vendor_name": "Open Source",
                "snapshot_support": true,
                "free_capacity_gb": "unknown",
                "storage_protocol": "NFS_CIFS"
            "backend": "london"

This operation does not accept a request body.

Shared File Systems API v2 extensions


Lists services. Services include manila-share and manila-scheduler and their binaries, hosts, availability zones, current statuses, and states (up or down).

Administrators can also enable or disable a specified service.

List services

Lists services.

Normal response codes
Request parameters
Parameter Style Type Description
tenant_id URI csapi:UUID

The tenant ID in a multi-tenancy cloud.

Response parameters
Parameter Style Type Description
id plain xsd:int

The service ID.

status plain xsd:string

The service status, which is enabled or disabled.

binary plain xsd:string

The service binary. Default is the base name of the executable.

zone plain xsd:string

The availability zone.

host plain xsd:string

The host name.

state plain xsd:string

The current state of the service. A valid value is up or down.

updated_at plain xsd:dateTime

The date and time stamp when the service was updated.

    "services": [
            "status": "enabled",
            "binary": "manila-share",
            "zone": "nova",
            "host": "manila2@generic1",
            "updated_at": "2015-09-07T13:03:57.000000",
            "state": "up",
            "id": 1
            "status": "enabled",
            "binary": "manila-scheduler",
            "zone": "nova",
            "host": "manila2",
            "updated_at": "2015-09-07T13:03:57.000000",
            "state": "up",
            "id": 2

This operation does not accept a request body.

Enable service

Enables a specified service.

Normal response codes
Request parameters
Parameter Style Type Description
tenant_id URI csapi:UUID

The tenant ID in a multi-tenancy cloud.

binary plain xsd:string

The binary (the base name of the executable) of the service that you want to enable.

host plain xsd:string

The host name of the service that you want to enable.

Response parameters
Parameter Style Type Description
binary plain xsd:string

The binary (the base name of the executable) of enabled service.

host plain xsd:string

The host name of enabled service.

disabled plain xsd:bool

Indicates whether the service is disabled.

    "binary": "manila-share",
    "host": "openstack@cmode"
    "disabled": false,
    "binary": "manila-share",
    "host": "openstack@cmode"
Disable service

Disables a specified service.

Normal response codes
Request parameters
Parameter Style Type Description
tenant_id URI csapi:UUID

The tenant ID in a multi-tenancy cloud.

binary plain xsd:string

The binary (the base name of the executable) of the service that you want to disable.

host plain xsd:string

The host name of the service that you want to disable.

Response parameters
Parameter Style Type Description
binary plain xsd:string

The binary (the base name of the executable) of disabled service.

host plain xsd:string

The host name of disabled service.

disabled plain xsd:bool

Indicates whether the service is disabled.

    "binary": "manila-share",
    "host": "openstack@cmode"
    "disabled": true,
    "binary": "manila-share",
    "host": "openstack@cmode"

Availability zones

Describes availability zones.

List availability zones

Lists all availability zones.

Normal response codes
Request parameters
Parameter Style Type Description
tenant_id URI csapi:UUID

The tenant ID in a multi-tenancy cloud.

Response parameters
Parameter Style Type Description
name plain xsd:string

The name of the availability zone.

id plain csapi:UUID

The availability zone ID.

created_at plain xsd:dateTime

The date and time stamp when the availability zone was created.

updated_at plain xsd:dateTime

The date and time stamp when the availability zone was updated.

    "availability_zones": [
            "name": "nova",
            "created_at": "2015-09-18T09:50:55.000000",
            "updated_at": null,
            "id": "388c983d-258e-4a0e-b1ba-10da37d766db"

This operation does not accept a request body.

Manage share

Allows existing share to be managed by Shared File Systems.

Manage share

Configures Shared File Systems to manage a specified share.

Normal response codes
Request parameters
Parameter Style Type Description
tenant_id URI csapi:UUID

The tenant ID in a multi-tenancy cloud.

protocol plain xsd:string

The Shared File Systems protocol of the share to manage. A valid value is NFS, CIFS, GlusterFS, or HDFS.

export_path plain xsd:string

The share export path in the format appropriate for the protocol:

  • NFS protocol. For example, -4fef2f6dbfd5.

  • CIFS protocol. \\\foo_name_of_cifs_share.

service_host plain xsd:string

The manage-share service host in this format: host@backend#POOL.

  • host. The host name for the back end.

  • backend. The name of the back end.

  • POOL. The pool name for the back end.

name (Optional) plain xsd:string

The share name.

share_type (Optional) plain xsd:string

The share type name.

driver_options (Optional) plain xsd:string

A set of one or more key and value pairs, as a dictionary of strings, that describe driver options.

Response parameters
Parameter Style Type Description
id plain csapi:UUID

The share ID.

status plain xsd:string

The share status, which is creating, error, available, deleting, error_deleting, manage_starting, manage_error, unmanage_starting, unmanage_error, unmanaged, extending, extending_error, shrinking, shrinking_error, or shrinking_possible_data_loss_error.

size plain xsd:int

The share size, in GBs.

project_id plain csapi:UUID

The ID of the project in which the share was created.

name (Optional) plain xsd:string

The share name.

description (Optional) plain xsd:string

The share description.

share_type plain csapi:UUID

(Since API v2.6.) The share type ID.

In minor versions, this parameter is a share type name, as a string.

share_type_name plain xsd:string

(Since API v2.6.) The share type name.

Minor versions support only the share_type parameter where the share type name is expected.

availability_zone plain xsd:string

The availability zone.

created_at plain xsd:dateTime

The date and time stamp when the share was created.

export_location (Optional) plain xsd:string

The export location.

export_locations (Optional) plain xsd:list

A list of export locations. For example, when a share server has more than one network interface, it can have multiple export locations.

share_network_id (Optional) plain csapi:UUID

The share network ID.

share_proto plain xsd:string

The Shared File Systems protocol. A valid value is NFS, CIFS, GlusterFS, or HDFS.

host (Optional) plain xsd:string

The share host name.

volume_type (Optional) plain xsd:string

The volume type. The use of the volume_type object is deprecated but supported. It is recommended that you use the share_type object when you create a share type. When you issue a create a share type request, you can submit a request body with either a share_type or volume_type object. No matter which object type you include in the request, the API creates both a volume_type object and a share_type object. Both objects have the same ID. When you issue a list share types request, the response shows both share_types and volume_types objects.

snapshot_id (Optional) plain csapi:UUID

The snapshot ID.

task_state plain xsd:string

(Since API v2.5.) For the share migration, the migration task state.

A valid value is null, migration_starting, migration_error, migration_success, migration_completing, or migrating. The task_state is null unless the share is migrated from one back-end to another. For details, see os-migrate_share extension request.

share_server_id plain csapi:UUID

The ID of the share server.

consistency_group_id plain csapi:UUID

(Since API v2.4.) The ID of a consistency group in which the share was created.

snapshot_support plain xsd:bool

(Since API v2.2.) An extra specification that filters back ends by whether they do or do not support share snapshots.

source_cgsnapshot_member_id plain csapi:UUID

(Since API v2.4.) If the share was created with consistency_group_id attribute, the snapshot member ID.

The corresponding consistency group must be created from a snapshot with the current share as a member.

Consistency groups and snapshots are the part of the Shared File Systems experimental API. For details, see Consistency groups and Consistency group snapshots.

is_public (Optional) plain xsd:bool

The level of visibility for the share. Defines whether other tenants can or cannot see the share.

metadata (Optional) plain xsd:string

One or more metadata key-value pairs, as a dictionary of strings.

    "share": {
        "protocol": "nfs",
        "name": "share_texas1",
        "share_type": "d",
        "driver_options": {
            "opt1": "opt1",
            "opt2": "opt2"
        "export_path": "",
        "service_host": "manila2@unmanage1#UNMANAGE1",
        "description": "Lets manage share."
    "share": {
        "links": [
                "href": "",
                "rel": "self"
                "href": "",
                "rel": "bookmark"
        "availability_zone": null,
        "share_network_id": null,
        "export_locations": [],
        "share_server_id": null,
        "snapshot_id": null,
        "id": "00137b40-ca06-4ae8-83a3-2c5989eebcce",
        "size": null,
        "share_type": "14747856-08e5-494f-ab40-a64b9d20d8f7",
        "share_type_name": "d",
        "export_location": "",
        "consistency_group_id": null,
        "project_id": "16e1ab15c35a457e9c2b2aa189f544e1",
        "metadata": {},
        "status": "manage_starting",
        "description": "Lets manage share.",
        "host": "manila2@unmanage1#UNMANAGE1",
        "is_public": false,
        "snapshot_support": true,
        "name": "share_texas1",
        "created_at": "2015-09-17T16:21:12.000000",
        "share_proto": "NFS",
        "volume_type": "d",
        "source_cgsnapshot_member_id": null

Unmanage share

Enables share unmanage operation.

The share unmanage operation is not supported for shares that are created on top of share servers (created with share networks).

The share can be unmanaged if it has no dependent snapshots.

Unmanage share

Configures Shared File Systems to stop managing a specified share.

Normal response codes
Request parameters
Parameter Style Type Description
tenant_id URI csapi:UUID

The tenant ID in a multi-tenancy cloud.

share_id URI csapi:UUID

The ID of an existing share.

This operation does not accept a request body and does not return a response body.

Quota sets

Provides quotas management support.

Show quotas

Shows quotas for a specified tenant.


If you specify the optional user_id query parameter, you get the quotas for this user in the specified tenant. If you omit this parameter, you get the quotas for the specified project.

Normal response codes
Request parameters
Parameter Style Type Description
tenant_id URI csapi:UUID

The tenant ID in a multi-tenancy cloud.

tenant_id URI csapi:UUID

The ID for the tenant for which you want to show, update, or delete quotas. This ID is different from the first tenant ID that you specify in the URI: That ID is for the admin tenant.

user_id (Optional) query csapi:UUID

The user ID. If you specify this query parameter, you update the quotas for this user in the specified tenant. If you omit this parameter, you update the quotas for the specified project.

Response parameters
Parameter Style Type Description
id plain csapi:UUID

The ID of the tenant for which you manage quotas.

gigabytes plain xsd:int

The number of gigabytes allowed for each tenant.

snapshots plain xsd:int

The number of snapshots allowed for each tenant.

shares plain xsd:int

The number of shares allowed for each tenant.

snapshot_gigabytes plain xsd:int

The number of gigabytes for the snapshots allowed for each tenant.

share_networks plain xsd:int

The number of share networks allowed for each tenant.

    "quota_set": {
        "gigabytes": 1000,
        "shares": 50,
        "snapshot_gigabytes": 1000,
        "snapshots": 50,
        "id": "16e1ab15c35a457e9c2b2aa189f544e1",
        "share_networks": 10

This operation does not accept a request body.

Update quotas

Updates quotas for a specified tenant.


If you specify the optional user_id query parameter, you update the quotas for this user in the specified tenant. If you omit this parameter, you update the quotas for the specified project.

Normal response codes
Request parameters
Parameter Style Type Description
tenant_id URI csapi:UUID

The tenant ID in a multi-tenancy cloud.

tenant_id URI csapi:UUID

The ID for the tenant for which you want to show, update, or delete quotas. This ID is different from the first tenant ID that you specify in the URI: That ID is for the admin tenant.

user_id (Optional) query csapi:UUID

The user ID. If you specify this query parameter, you update the quotas for this user in the specified tenant. If you omit this parameter, you update the quotas for the specified project.

gigabytes (Optional) plain xsd:int

The number of gigabytes for the tenant.

snapshots (Optional) plain xsd:int

The number of snapshots for the tenant.

shares (Optional) plain xsd:int

The number of shares for the tenant.

snapshot_gigabytes (Optional) plain xsd:int

The number of gigabytes for the snapshots for the tenant.

share_networks (Optional) plain xsd:int

The number of share networks for the tenant.

force (Optional) plain xsd:bool

Indicates whether to permit or deny the force-update of a quota that is already used and the requested value exceeds the configured quota.

Set to True to permit the force-update of the quota.

Set to False to deny the force-update of the quota.

Response parameters
Parameter Style Type Description
gigabytes plain xsd:int

The number of gigabytes allowed for each tenant.

snapshots plain xsd:int

The number of snapshots allowed for each tenant.

shares plain xsd:int

The number of shares allowed for each tenant.

snapshot_gigabytes plain xsd:int

The number of gigabytes for the snapshots allowed for each tenant.

share_networks plain xsd:int

The number of share networks allowed for each tenant.

    "quota_set": {
        "tenant_id": "16e1ab15c35a457e9c2b2aa189f544e1",
        "snapshot_gigabytes": 999,
        "snapshots": 49,
        "share_networks": 9
    "quota_set": {
        "gigabytes": 1000,
        "snapshot_gigabytes": 999,
        "shares": 50,
        "snapshots": 49,
        "share_networks": 9
Delete quotas

Deletes quotas for a specified tenant. The quota will revert back to default.


If you specify the optional user_id query parameter, you delete the quotas for this user in the specified tenant. If you omit this parameter, you delete the quotas for the specified project.

Normal response codes
Request parameters
Parameter Style Type Description
tenant_id URI csapi:UUID

The tenant ID in a multi-tenancy cloud.

tenant_id URI csapi:UUID

The ID for the tenant for which you want to show, update, or delete quotas. This ID is different from the first tenant ID that you specify in the URI: That ID is for the admin tenant.

user_id (Optional) query csapi:UUID

The user ID. If you specify this query parameter, you update the quotas for this user in the specified tenant. If you omit this parameter, you update the quotas for the specified project.

This operation does not accept a request body and does not return a response body.

Show default quotas

Shows default quotas for a specified tenant.

Normal response codes
Request parameters
Parameter Style Type Description
tenant_id URI csapi:UUID

The tenant ID in a multi-tenancy cloud.

tenant_id URI csapi:UUID

The ID for the tenant for which you want to show, update, or delete quotas. This ID is different from the first tenant ID that you specify in the URI: That ID is for the admin tenant.

Response parameters
Parameter Style Type Description
id plain csapi:UUID

The ID of the tenant for which you manage quotas.

gigabytes plain xsd:int

The number of gigabytes allowed for each tenant.

snapshots plain xsd:int

The number of snapshots allowed for each tenant.

shares plain xsd:int

The number of shares allowed for each tenant.

snapshot_gigabytes plain xsd:int

The number of gigabytes for the snapshots allowed for each tenant.

share_networks plain xsd:int

The number of share networks allowed for each tenant.

    "quota_set": {
        "gigabytes": 1000,
        "shares": 50,
        "snapshot_gigabytes": 1000,
        "snapshots": 50,
        "id": "16e1ab15c35a457e9c2b2aa189f544e1",
        "share_networks": 10

This operation does not accept a request body.

Quota classes

Provides quota classes management support.

Show quotas for a quota class

Shows the quotas for a specified quota class.

Normal response codes
Request parameters
Parameter Style Type Description
tenant_id URI csapi:UUID

The tenant ID in a multi-tenancy cloud.

class_name URI xsd:string

The name of the quota class for which you want to manage quotas.

Response parameters
Parameter Style Type Description
id plain xsd:string

The quota class ID.

gigabytes plain xsd:int

The number of gigabytes allowed for each tenant.

snapshots plain xsd:int

The number of snapshots allowed for each tenant.

shares plain xsd:int

The number of shares allowed for each tenant.

snapshot_gigabytes plain xsd:int

The number of gigabytes for the snapshots allowed for each tenant.

share_networks plain xsd:int

The number of share networks allowed for each tenant.

    "quota_class_set": {
        "gigabytes": 1000,
        "shares": 50,
        "snapshot_gigabytes": 1000,
        "snapshots": 50,
        "id": "abc",
        "share_networks": 10

This operation does not accept a request body.

Update quotas for a quota class

Updates the quotas for a specified for a quota class.

Normal response codes
Request parameters
Parameter Style Type Description
tenant_id URI csapi:UUID

The tenant ID in a multi-tenancy cloud.

class_name URI xsd:string

The name of the quota class for which you want to manage quotas.

class_name plain xsd:string

The name of a quota class for which you want to update the quotas.

gigabytes (Optional) plain xsd:int

The number of gigabytes for the tenant.

snapshots (Optional) plain xsd:int

The number of snapshots for the tenant.

shares (Optional) plain xsd:int

The number of shares for the tenant.

snapshot_gigabytes (Optional) plain xsd:int

The number of gigabytes for the snapshots for the tenant.

share_networks (Optional) plain xsd:int

The number of share networks for the tenant.

Response parameters
Parameter Style Type Description
gigabytes plain xsd:int

The number of gigabytes allowed for each tenant.

snapshots plain xsd:int

The number of snapshots allowed for each tenant.

shares plain xsd:int

The number of shares allowed for each tenant.

snapshot_gigabytes plain xsd:int

The number of gigabytes for the snapshots allowed for each tenant.

share_networks plain xsd:int

The number of share networks allowed for each tenant.

    "quota_class_set": {
        "class_name": "abc",
        "shares": 49
    "quota_class_set": {
        "gigabytes": 1000,
        "snapshot_gigabytes": 1000,
        "snapshots": 50,
        "shares": 49,
        "share_networks": 10

Shared File Systems API v2 (EXPERIMENTAL)

Contributors can change or remove the experimental part of the Shared File Systems API without maintaining backward compatibility.

Consistency groups (since API v2.4)

Consistency groups enable you to create snapshots at the exact same point in time from multiple file system shares. For example, a database might place its tables, logs, and configuration on separate shares. To restore this database from a previous point in time, it makes sense to restore the logs, tables, and configuration together from the exact same point in time.

As an administrator, you can also reset the state of a consistency group and force-delete a specified consistency group in any state. Use the policy.json file to grant permissions for these actions to other roles.

Create consistency group

Creates a consistency group.

Normal response codes
Request parameters
Parameter Style Type Description
X-Openstack-Manila-Api-Version (Optional) header xsd:string

A valid Shared File Systems API micro-version. For example, "X-Openstack-Manila-Api-Version: 2.6". If you omit this header, the default micro-version is 2.0.

X-OpenStack-Manila-API-Experimental header xsd:bool

Indicates that this is an experimental Shared File Systems API request. Set to true. For example, "X-OpenStack-Manila-API-Experimental: true".

tenant_id URI csapi:UUID

The tenant ID in a multi-tenancy cloud.

share_types (Optional) plain xsd:list

A list of one or more share type IDs.

name (Optional) plain xsd:string

The consistency group name.

description (Optional) plain xsd:string

The consistency group description.

share_network_id (Optional) plain csapi:UUID

The ID of a share network.

Note that when using a share type with the driver_handles_share_servers extra spec as False, you should not provide a share_network_id.

source_cgsnapshot_id (Optional) plain csapi:UUID

The ID of the consistency group snapshot from which to create the consistency group.

Response parameters
Parameter Style Type Description
id plain csapi:UUID

The consistency group ID.

status plain xsd:string

The consistency group status. A valid value is creating, available, error, deleting, or error_deleting.

name plain xsd:string

The consistency group name.

description plain xsd:string

The consistency group description.

source_cgsnapshot_id plain csapi:UUID

The consistency group snapshot ID. A valid value is null or the ID of the consistency group snapshot, if the consistency group was created from a snapshot.

created_at plain xsd:dateTime

The date and time stamp when the consistency group was created.

share_network_id plain csapi:UUID

The ID of a share network.

host plain xsd:string

The consistency group host name.

project_id plain csapi:UUID

The ID of the project in which the consistency group was created.

share_types plain xsd:list

A list of share type IDs.

    "consistency_group": {
        "share_types": [
        "name": "my-cg1",
        "share_network_id": "d8ae6799-2567-4a89-aafb-fa4424350d2b",
        "description": "my first consistency group"
    "consistency_group": {
        "status": "creating",
        "description": "my first consistency group",
        "links": [
                "href": "",
                "rel": "self"
                "href": "",
                "rel": "bookmark"
        "source_cgsnapshot_id": null,
        "created_at": "2015-09-16T09:28:52.880949",
        "share_network_id": "d8ae6799-2567-4a89-aafb-fa4424350d2b",
        "host": null,
        "project_id": "16e1ab15c35a457e9c2b2aa189f544e1",
        "share_types": [
        "id": "6f519a48-3183-46cf-a32f-41815f813986",
        "name": "my-cg1"
List consistency groups

Lists all consistency groups.

Normal response codes
Request parameters
Parameter Style Type Description
X-Openstack-Manila-Api-Version (Optional) header xsd:string

A valid Shared File Systems API micro-version. For example, "X-Openstack-Manila-Api-Version: 2.6". If you omit this header, the default micro-version is 2.0.

X-OpenStack-Manila-API-Experimental header xsd:bool

Indicates that this is an experimental Shared File Systems API request. Set to true. For example, "X-OpenStack-Manila-API-Experimental: true".

tenant_id URI csapi:UUID

The tenant ID in a multi-tenancy cloud.

Response parameters
Parameter Style Type Description
id plain csapi:UUID

The consistency group ID.

name plain xsd:string

The consistency group name.

    "consistency_groups": [
            "id": "6f519a48-3183-46cf-a32f-41815f813986",
            "links": [
                    "href": "",
                    "rel": "self"
                    "href": "",
                    "rel": "bookmark"
            "name": "my-cg1"
            "id": "aed36625-a6d7-4681-ba59-c7ba3d18c148",
            "links": [
                    "href": "",
                    "rel": "self"
                    "href": "",
                    "rel": "bookmark"
            "name": "my-cg2"

This operation does not accept a request body.

List consistency groups with details

Lists all consistency groups with details.

Normal response codes
Request parameters
Parameter Style Type Description
X-Openstack-Manila-Api-Version (Optional) header xsd:string

A valid Shared File Systems API micro-version. For example, "X-Openstack-Manila-Api-Version: 2.6". If you omit this header, the default micro-version is 2.0.

X-OpenStack-Manila-API-Experimental header xsd:bool

Indicates that this is an experimental Shared File Systems API request. Set to true. For example, "X-OpenStack-Manila-API-Experimental: true".

tenant_id URI csapi:UUID

The tenant ID in a multi-tenancy cloud.

Response parameters
Parameter Style Type Description
id plain csapi:UUID

The consistency group ID.

status plain xsd:string

The consistency group status. A valid value is creating, available, error, deleting, or error_deleting.

name plain xsd:string

The consistency group name.

description plain xsd:string

The consistency group description.

source_cgsnapshot_id plain csapi:UUID

The consistency group snapshot ID. A valid value is null or the ID of the consistency group snapshot, if the consistency group was created from a snapshot.

created_at plain xsd:dateTime

The date and time stamp when the consistency group was created.

share_network_id plain csapi:UUID

The ID of a share network.

host plain xsd:string

The consistency group host name.

project_id plain csapi:UUID

The ID of the project in which the consistency group was created.

share_types plain xsd:list

A list of share type IDs.

    "consistency_groups": [
            "status": "available",
            "description": "my first consistency group",
            "links": [
                    "href": "",
                    "rel": "self"
                    "href": "",
                    "rel": "bookmark"
            "source_cgsnapshot_id": null,
            "created_at": "2015-09-16T09:28:52.000000",
            "share_network_id": "d8ae6799-2567-4a89-aafb-fa4424350d2b",
            "host": null,
            "project_id": "16e1ab15c35a457e9c2b2aa189f544e1",
            "share_types": [
            "id": "6f519a48-3183-46cf-a32f-41815f813986",
            "name": "my-cg1"
            "status": "error",
            "description": "Edited description",
            "links": [
                    "href": "",
                    "rel": "self"
                    "href": "",
                    "rel": "bookmark"
            "source_cgsnapshot_id": null,
            "created_at": "2015-09-16T09:31:15.000000",
            "share_network_id": "713df749-aac0-4a54-af52-10f6c991e80c",
            "host": null,
            "project_id": "16e1ab15c35a457e9c2b2aa189f544e1",
            "share_types": [
            "id": "aed36625-a6d7-4681-ba59-c7ba3d18c148",
            "name": "my-cg2"

This operation does not accept a request body.

Show consistency group

Shows information about a specified consistency group.

Normal response codes
Request parameters
Parameter Style Type Description
X-Openstack-Manila-Api-Version (Optional) header xsd:string

A valid Shared File Systems API micro-version. For example, "X-Openstack-Manila-Api-Version: 2.6". If you omit this header, the default micro-version is 2.0.

X-OpenStack-Manila-API-Experimental header xsd:bool

Indicates that this is an experimental Shared File Systems API request. Set to true. For example, "X-OpenStack-Manila-API-Experimental: true".

tenant_id URI csapi:UUID

The tenant ID in a multi-tenancy cloud.

consistency_group_id URI csapi:UUID

The unique identifier of the consistency group.

Response parameters
Parameter Style Type Description
id plain csapi:UUID

The consistency group ID.

status plain xsd:string

The consistency group status. A valid value is creating, available, error, deleting, or error_deleting.

name plain xsd:string

The consistency group name.

description plain xsd:string

The consistency group description.

source_cgsnapshot_id plain csapi:UUID

The consistency group snapshot ID. A valid value is null or the ID of the consistency group snapshot, if the consistency group was created from a snapshot.

created_at plain xsd:dateTime

The date and time stamp when the consistency group was created.

share_network_id plain csapi:UUID

The ID of a share network.

host plain xsd:string

The consistency group host name.

project_id plain csapi:UUID

The ID of the project in which the consistency group was created.

share_types plain xsd:list

A list of share type IDs.

    "consistency_group": {
        "status": "available",
        "description": "My first CG.",
        "links": [
                "href": "",
                "rel": "self"
                "href": "",
                "rel": "bookmark"
        "source_cgsnapshot_id": null,
        "created_at": "2015-09-16T16:50:31.000000",
        "share_network_id": "f9b2e754-ac01-4466-86e1-5c569424754e",
        "share_server_id": null,
        "host": "manila2@generic1#GENERIC1",
        "project_id": "16e1ab15c35a457e9c2b2aa189f544e1",
        "share_types": [
        "id": "9397c191-8427-4661-a2e8-b23820dc01d4",
        "name": "cg1"

This operation does not accept a request body.

Update consistency group

Updates a specified consistency group.


You can update only these attributes:

  • name, which changes the consistency group name.

  • description, which changes the consistency group description.

Normal response codes
Request parameters
Parameter Style Type Description
X-Openstack-Manila-Api-Version (Optional) header xsd:string

A valid Shared File Systems API micro-version. For example, "X-Openstack-Manila-Api-Version: 2.6". If you omit this header, the default micro-version is 2.0.

X-OpenStack-Manila-API-Experimental header xsd:bool

Indicates that this is an experimental Shared File Systems API request. Set to true. For example, "X-OpenStack-Manila-API-Experimental: true".

tenant_id URI csapi:UUID

The tenant ID in a multi-tenancy cloud.

consistency_group_id URI csapi:UUID

The unique identifier of the consistency group.

name (Optional) plain xsd:string

The consistency group name.

description (Optional) plain xsd:string

The consistency group description.

Response parameters
Parameter Style Type Description
id plain csapi:UUID

The consistency group ID.

status plain xsd:string

The consistency group status. A valid value is creating, available, error, deleting, or error_deleting.

name plain xsd:string

The consistency group name.

description plain xsd:string

The consistency group description.

source_cgsnapshot_id plain csapi:UUID

The consistency group snapshot ID. A valid value is null or the ID of the consistency group snapshot, if the consistency group was created from a snapshot.

created_at plain xsd:dateTime

The date and time stamp when the consistency group was created.

share_network_id plain csapi:UUID

The ID of a share network.

host plain xsd:string

The consistency group host name.

project_id plain csapi:UUID

The ID of the project in which the consistency group was created.

share_types plain xsd:list

A list of share type IDs.

    "consistency_group": {
        "description": "Edited description"
    "consistency_group": {
        "status": "error",
        "description": "Edited description",
        "links": [
                "href": "",
                "rel": "self"
                "href": "",
                "rel": "bookmark"
        "source_cgsnapshot_id": null,
        "created_at": "2015-09-16T09:31:15.000000",
        "share_network_id": "713df749-aac0-4a54-af52-10f6c991e80c",
        "host": null,
        "project_id": "16e1ab15c35a457e9c2b2aa189f544e1",
        "share_types": [
        "id": "aed36625-a6d7-4681-ba59-c7ba3d18c148",
        "name": "my-cg2"
Delete consistency group

Deletes a specified consistency group.

Normal response codes
Request parameters
Parameter Style Type Description
X-Openstack-Manila-Api-Version (Optional) header xsd:string

A valid Shared File Systems API micro-version. For example, "X-Openstack-Manila-Api-Version: 2.6". If you omit this header, the default micro-version is 2.0.

X-OpenStack-Manila-API-Experimental header xsd:bool

Indicates that this is an experimental Shared File Systems API request. Set to true. For example, "X-OpenStack-Manila-API-Experimental: true".

tenant_id URI csapi:UUID

The tenant ID in a multi-tenancy cloud.

consistency_group_id URI csapi:UUID

The unique identifier of the consistency group.

This operation does not accept a request body and does not return a response body.

Reset consistency group state

Administrator only. Explicitly updates the state of a specified consistency group.


Use the policy.json file to grant permissions for this action to other roles.

Normal response codes
Request parameters
Parameter Style Type Description
X-Openstack-Manila-Api-Version (Optional) header xsd:string

A valid Shared File Systems API micro-version. For example, "X-Openstack-Manila-Api-Version: 2.6". If you omit this header, the default micro-version is 2.0.

X-OpenStack-Manila-API-Experimental header xsd:bool

Indicates that this is an experimental Shared File Systems API request. Set to true. For example, "X-OpenStack-Manila-API-Experimental: true".

tenant_id URI csapi:UUID

The tenant ID in a multi-tenancy cloud.

consistency_group_id URI csapi:UUID

The unique identifier of the consistency group.

status plain xsd:string

The consistency group status. A valid value is creating, error, available, deleting, or error_deleting.

    "os-reset_status": {
        "status": "available"

This operation does not return a response body.

Force-delete consistency group

Administrator only. Force-deletes a specified consistency group.


Use the policy.json file to grant permissions for this action to other roles.

Normal response codes
Request parameters
Parameter Style Type Description
X-Openstack-Manila-Api-Version (Optional) header xsd:string

A valid Shared File Systems API micro-version. For example, "X-Openstack-Manila-Api-Version: 2.6". If you omit this header, the default micro-version is 2.0.

X-OpenStack-Manila-API-Experimental header xsd:bool

Indicates that this is an experimental Shared File Systems API request. Set to true. For example, "X-OpenStack-Manila-API-Experimental: true".

tenant_id URI csapi:UUID

The tenant ID in a multi-tenancy cloud.

consistency_group_id URI csapi:UUID

The unique identifier of the consistency group.

os-force_delete plain xsd:string

To force-delete a consistency group, set this value to null.

    "os-force_delete": null

This operation does not return a response body.

Consistency group snapshots (since API v2.4)

You can create snapshots of consistency groups. To create a snapshot, you specify the ID of the consistency group that you want to snapshot. After you create a consistency group snapshot, you can create a consistency group from it.

A consistency group snapshot can have members. The consistency group snapshot members are the shares that belong to some consistency group. To add a member, include the consistency_group_id parameter in the create share request. This ID must match the ID of the consistency group from which the consistency group snapshot was created. Then, while restoring data, for example, and operating with consistency group snapshots you can quickly find which shares belong to a specified consistency group.

As an administrator, you can also reset the state of a consistency group snapshot and force-delete a specified consistency group snapshot in any state. Use the policy.json file to grant permissions for these actions to other roles.

Create consistency group snapshot

Creates a consistency group snapshot.


You can create a consistency group snapshot for a consistency group in available state only.

Normal response codes
Request parameters
Parameter Style Type Description
X-Openstack-Manila-Api-Version (Optional) header xsd:string

A valid Shared File Systems API micro-version. For example, "X-Openstack-Manila-Api-Version: 2.6". If you omit this header, the default micro-version is 2.0.

X-OpenStack-Manila-API-Experimental header xsd:bool

Indicates that this is an experimental Shared File Systems API request. Set to true. For example, "X-OpenStack-Manila-API-Experimental: true".

tenant_id URI csapi:UUID

The tenant ID in a multi-tenancy cloud.

consistency_group_id plain csapi:UUID

The ID of the consistency group from which to create a snapshot.

name (Optional) plain xsd:string

The consistency group snapshot name.

description (Optional) plain xsd:string

The consistency group snapshot description.

Response parameters
Parameter Style Type Description
id plain csapi:UUID

The consistency group snapshot ID.

status plain xsd:string

The consistency group snapshot status, which is available, creating, error, deleting, or error_deleting.

project_id plain csapi:UUID

The ID of the project in which the consistency group snapshot was created.

consistency_group_id plain csapi:UUID

The ID of the consistency group from which the snapshot was created.

name plain xsd:string

The consistency group snapshot name.

description plain xsd:string

The consistency group snapshot description.

created_at plain xsd:dateTime

The date and time stamp when the consistency group snapshot was created.

    "cgsnapshot": {
        "consistency_group_id": "9397c191-8427-4661-a2e8-b23820dc01d4",
        "name": "snapshot_cg1",
        "description": "Snapshot of cg1"
    "cgsnapshot": {
        "status": "creating",
        "name": "snapshot_cg1",
        "links": [
                "href": "",
                "rel": "self"
                "href": "",
                "rel": "bookmark"
        "created_at": "2015-09-16T17:34:06.031997",
        "consistency_group_id": "9397c191-8427-4661-a2e8-b23820dc01d4",
        "project_id": "16e1ab15c35a457e9c2b2aa189f544e1",
        "id": "b44c894d-4bec-47aa-b389-cc8c6f0044a5",
        "description": "Snapshot of cg1"
List consistency group snapshots

Lists all consistency group snapshots.

Normal response codes
Request parameters
Parameter Style Type Description
X-Openstack-Manila-Api-Version (Optional) header xsd:string

A valid Shared File Systems API micro-version. For example, "X-Openstack-Manila-Api-Version: 2.6". If you omit this header, the default micro-version is 2.0.

X-OpenStack-Manila-API-Experimental header xsd:bool

Indicates that this is an experimental Shared File Systems API request. Set to true. For example, "X-OpenStack-Manila-API-Experimental: true".

tenant_id URI csapi:UUID

The tenant ID in a multi-tenancy cloud.

Response parameters
Parameter Style Type Description
id plain csapi:UUID

The consistency group snapshot ID.

name plain xsd:string

The consistency group snapshot name.

    "cgsnapshots": [
            "id": "7e5c3ca7-d54b-438d-9a9c-c65ece6bc6c6",
            "links": [
                    "href": "",
                    "rel": "self"
                    "href": "",
                    "rel": "bookmark"
            "name": "snapshot_CG2"
            "id": "b44c894d-4bec-47aa-b389-cc8c6f0044a5",
            "links": [
                    "href": "",
                    "rel": "self"
                    "href": "",
                    "rel": "bookmark"
            "name": "snapshot_cg1"

This operation does not accept a request body.

List consistency group snapshots with details

Lists all consistency group snapshots with details.

Normal response codes
Request parameters
Parameter Style Type Description
X-Openstack-Manila-Api-Version (Optional) header xsd:string

A valid Shared File Systems API micro-version. For example, "X-Openstack-Manila-Api-Version: 2.6". If you omit this header, the default micro-version is 2.0.

X-OpenStack-Manila-API-Experimental header xsd:bool

Indicates that this is an experimental Shared File Systems API request. Set to true. For example, "X-OpenStack-Manila-API-Experimental: true".

tenant_id URI csapi:UUID

The tenant ID in a multi-tenancy cloud.

Response parameters
Parameter Style Type Description
id plain csapi:UUID

The consistency group snapshot ID.

status plain xsd:string

The consistency group snapshot status, which is available, creating, error, deleting, or error_deleting.

project_id plain csapi:UUID

The ID of the project in which the consistency group snapshot was created.

consistency_group_id plain csapi:UUID

The ID of the consistency group from which the snapshot was created.

name plain xsd:string

The consistency group snapshot name.

description plain xsd:string

The consistency group snapshot description.

created_at plain xsd:dateTime

The date and time stamp when the consistency group snapshot was created.

    "cgsnapshots": [
            "status": "available",
            "name": "snapshot_CG2",
            "links": [
                    "href": "",
                    "rel": "self"
                    "href": "",
                    "rel": "bookmark"
            "created_at": "2015-09-16T17:37:40.000000",
            "consistency_group_id": "2d5c2600-ae67-4dff-b13c-a1c20b335e8e",
            "project_id": "16e1ab15c35a457e9c2b2aa189f544e1",
            "id": "7e5c3ca7-d54b-438d-9a9c-c65ece6bc6c6",
            "description": "Snapshot of CG2"
            "status": "available",
            "name": "snapshot_cg1",
            "links": [
                    "href": "",
                    "rel": "self"
                    "href": "",
                    "rel": "bookmark"
            "created_at": "2015-09-16T17:34:15.000000",
            "consistency_group_id": "9397c191-8427-4661-a2e8-b23820dc01d4",
            "project_id": "16e1ab15c35a457e9c2b2aa189f544e1",
            "id": "b44c894d-4bec-47aa-b389-cc8c6f0044a5",
            "description": "Snapshot of cg1"

This operation does not accept a request body.

Show consistency group snapshot

Shows information about a specified consistency group snapshot.

Normal response codes
Request parameters
Parameter Style Type Description
X-Openstack-Manila-Api-Version (Optional) header xsd:string

A valid Shared File Systems API micro-version. For example, "X-Openstack-Manila-Api-Version: 2.6". If you omit this header, the default micro-version is 2.0.

X-OpenStack-Manila-API-Experimental header xsd:bool

Indicates that this is an experimental Shared File Systems API request. Set to true. For example, "X-OpenStack-Manila-API-Experimental: true".

tenant_id URI csapi:UUID

The tenant ID in a multi-tenancy cloud.

cgsnapshot_id URI csapi:UUID

The unique identifier of the consistency group snapshot.

Response parameters
Parameter Style Type Description
id plain csapi:UUID

The consistency group snapshot ID.

status plain xsd:string

The consistency group snapshot status, which is available, creating, error, deleting, or error_deleting.

project_id plain csapi:UUID

The ID of the project in which the consistency group snapshot was created.

consistency_group_id plain csapi:UUID

The ID of the consistency group from which the snapshot was created.

name plain xsd:string

The consistency group snapshot name.

description plain xsd:string

The consistency group snapshot description.

created_at plain xsd:dateTime

The date and time stamp when the consistency group snapshot was created.

    "cgsnapshot": {
        "status": "available",
        "name": "snapshot_cg1",
        "links": [
                "href": "",
                "rel": "self"
                "href": "",
                "rel": "bookmark"
        "created_at": "2015-09-16T17:34:15.000000",
        "consistency_group_id": "9397c191-8427-4661-a2e8-b23820dc01d4",
        "project_id": "16e1ab15c35a457e9c2b2aa189f544e1",
        "id": "b44c894d-4bec-47aa-b389-cc8c6f0044a5",
        "description": "Snapshot of cg1"

This operation does not accept a request body.

Show consistency group snapshot member

Shows information about a specified consistency group snapshot member.

Normal response codes
Request parameters
Parameter Style Type Description
X-Openstack-Manila-Api-Version (Optional) header xsd:string

A valid Shared File Systems API micro-version. For example, "X-Openstack-Manila-Api-Version: 2.6". If you omit this header, the default micro-version is 2.0.

X-OpenStack-Manila-API-Experimental header xsd:bool

Indicates that this is an experimental Shared File Systems API request. Set to true. For example, "X-OpenStack-Manila-API-Experimental: true".

tenant_id URI csapi:UUID

The tenant ID in a multi-tenancy cloud.

cgsnapshot_id URI csapi:UUID

The unique identifier of the consistency group snapshot.

Response parameters
Parameter Style Type Description
id plain csapi:UUID

The consistency group snapshot member ID.

share_id plain csapi:UUID

The ID of the share that is a consistency group snapshot member.

share_type_id plain csapi:UUID

The share type ID of the member.

created_at plain xsd:dateTime

The date and time stamp when the member was created.

cgsnapshot_id plain csapi:UUID

The consistency group snapshot ID.

share_protocol plain xsd:string

The file system protocol of the member, which is NFS, CIFS, GlusterFS, or HDFS.

project_id plain csapi:UUID

The ID of the project in which the consistency group snapshot member was created.

size plain xsd:int

The member size, in GBs.

    "cgsnapshot_members": [
            "share_type_id": "be27425c-f807-4500-a056-d00721db45cf",
            "share_id": "609e4924-f062-45e0-928d-7b739348c4d6",
            "created_at": "2015-09-16T17:34:15.000000",
            "cgsnapshot_id": "b44c894d-4bec-47aa-b389-cc8c6f0044a5",
            "share_protocol": "NFS",
            "project_id": "16e1ab15c35a457e9c2b2aa189f544e1",
            "id": "84098fde-40ec-4c96-a908-bc532c52b3af",
            "size": 1
            "share_type_id": "be27425c-f807-4500-a056-d00721db45cf",
            "share_id": "c4a2ced4-2c9f-4ae1-adaa-6171833e64df",
            "created_at": "2015-09-16T17:34:15.000000",
            "cgsnapshot_id": "b44c894d-4bec-47aa-b389-cc8c6f0044a5",
            "share_protocol": "NFS",
            "project_id": "16e1ab15c35a457e9c2b2aa189f544e1",
            "id": "db492d38-dd3a-4d6b-a3b6-e65377990892",
            "size": 1

This operation does not accept a request body.

Update consistency group snapshot

Updates a specified consistency group snapshot.


You can update only these attributes:

  • name, which changes the consistency group snapshot name.

  • description, which changes the consistency group snapshot description.

Normal response codes
Request parameters
Parameter Style Type Description
X-Openstack-Manila-Api-Version (Optional) header xsd:string

A valid Shared File Systems API micro-version. For example, "X-Openstack-Manila-Api-Version: 2.6". If you omit this header, the default micro-version is 2.0.

X-OpenStack-Manila-API-Experimental header xsd:bool

Indicates that this is an experimental Shared File Systems API request. Set to true. For example, "X-OpenStack-Manila-API-Experimental: true".

tenant_id URI csapi:UUID

The tenant ID in a multi-tenancy cloud.

cgsnapshot_id URI csapi:UUID

The unique identifier of the consistency group snapshot.

name (Optional) plain xsd:string

The consistency group snapshot name.

description (Optional) plain xsd:string

The consistency group snapshot description.

Response parameters
Parameter Style Type Description
id plain csapi:UUID

The consistency group snapshot ID.

status plain xsd:string

The consistency group snapshot status, which is available, creating, error, deleting, or error_deleting.

project_id plain csapi:UUID

The ID of the project in which the consistency group snapshot was created.

consistency_group_id plain csapi:UUID

The ID of the consistency group from which the snapshot was created.

name plain xsd:string

The consistency group snapshot name.

description plain xsd:string

The consistency group snapshot description.

created_at plain xsd:dateTime

The date and time stamp when the consistency group snapshot was created.

    "cgsnapshot": {
        "description": "Changed description: there is a snapshot of CG2"
    "cgsnapshot": {
        "status": "available",
        "name": "snapshot_CG2",
        "links": [
                "href": "",
                "rel": "self"
                "href": "",
                "rel": "bookmark"
        "created_at": "2015-09-16T17:37:40.000000",
        "consistency_group_id": "2d5c2600-ae67-4dff-b13c-a1c20b335e8e",
        "project_id": "16e1ab15c35a457e9c2b2aa189f544e1",
        "id": "7e5c3ca7-d54b-438d-9a9c-c65ece6bc6c6",
        "description": "Changed description: there is a snapshot of CG2"
Delete consistency group snapshot

Deletes a specified consistency group snapshot.

Normal response codes
Request parameters
Parameter Style Type Description
X-Openstack-Manila-Api-Version (Optional) header xsd:string

A valid Shared File Systems API micro-version. For example, "X-Openstack-Manila-Api-Version: 2.6". If you omit this header, the default micro-version is 2.0.

X-OpenStack-Manila-API-Experimental header xsd:bool

Indicates that this is an experimental Shared File Systems API request. Set to true. For example, "X-OpenStack-Manila-API-Experimental: true".

tenant_id URI csapi:UUID

The tenant ID in a multi-tenancy cloud.

cgsnapshot_id URI csapi:UUID

The unique identifier of the consistency group snapshot.

This operation does not accept a request body and does not return a response body.

Reset consistency group snapshot state

Administrator only. Explicitly updates the state of a specified consistency group snapshot.


Administrators can use the policy.json file to permit other roles to complete this action.

Normal response codes
Request parameters
Parameter Style Type Description
X-Openstack-Manila-Api-Version (Optional) header xsd:string

A valid Shared File Systems API micro-version. For example, "X-Openstack-Manila-Api-Version: 2.6". If you omit this header, the default micro-version is 2.0.

X-OpenStack-Manila-API-Experimental header xsd:bool

Indicates that this is an experimental Shared File Systems API request. Set to true. For example, "X-OpenStack-Manila-API-Experimental: true".

tenant_id URI csapi:UUID

The tenant ID in a multi-tenancy cloud.

cgsnapshot_id URI csapi:UUID

The unique identifier of the consistency group snapshot.

status plain xsd:string

The consistency group snapshot status. A valid value is creating, error, available, deleting, or error_deleting.

    "os-reset_status": {
        "status": "error"

This operation does not return a response body.

Force-delete consistency group snapshot

Administrator only. Force-deletes a specified consistency group snapshot.


Use the policy.json file to grant permissions for this action to other roles.

Normal response codes
Request parameters
Parameter Style Type Description
X-Openstack-Manila-Api-Version (Optional) header xsd:string

A valid Shared File Systems API micro-version. For example, "X-Openstack-Manila-Api-Version: 2.6". If you omit this header, the default micro-version is 2.0.

X-OpenStack-Manila-API-Experimental header xsd:bool

Indicates that this is an experimental Shared File Systems API request. Set to true. For example, "X-OpenStack-Manila-API-Experimental: true".

tenant_id URI csapi:UUID

The tenant ID in a multi-tenancy cloud.

cgsnapshot_id URI csapi:UUID

The unique identifier of the consistency group snapshot.

os-force_delete plain xsd:string

To force-delete a consistency group snapshot, set this value to null.

    "os-force_delete": null

This operation does not return a response body.